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Infinite (Sonic Forces) Artwork

More ants to crush. I wonder if this world can offer me a real challenge... And as if to answer, the world sends me a trembling child. Are you going to fight and die here, or run away in fear again...? Fine. I will teach you fear, then pain... and then, well, at least the fear and pain will end.
~ Infinite

What would you like your epitaph to read? How about, 'Here lies the blue buffoon'?
~ Infinite

That day, I gave up my own unsightly face. And I let go of the old me, the one that was so weak, so that I could become stronger. And then, at last... I obtained the power. The power to make all yield to my will! I... was... REBORN...!!
~ Infinite


Infinite is a major villain in the game Sonic Forces, created by Dr. Eggman specifically to surpass all his past humiliations and failures by "a thousand times."

He was originally a powerful and largely renowned and respected mercenary, regarded as the best there is, before invading Eggman's base in attempts to steal from him. However, they were fought and cornered by Eggman's forces. Accidentally touching the Phantom Ruby revealed Infinite's true dream: a desolate Earth devoid of life. Eggman seen lots of potential in him, and offered Infinite and his squad a place in the Eggman Empire. Infinite accepted this proposal. He and his squad were told to guard the base against Shadow the Hedgehog, but his squad is killed by Shadow, and he is forced to battle the hedgehog alone. After hearing the doctor call him and his squad useless, he is angered, and takes on Shadow. Unfortunately for him, he is easily defeated in three hits. Shadow regards him as a disgrace and calls him weak, and tells him to never show his face ever again. Infinite is then shown shaking, terrified by the experience.

Infinite, pride-broken, humiliated, horrified and traumatized, is overcome by those words; "You're weak." He screams out in anger at his genuine fear, and at his helplessness. This is when Infinite realized how weak and worthless he truly was. From there, he took part as a test specimen in the experiments with the Phantom Ruby, eventually being merged with the final product, it becoming part of the very culmination of his being. Infinite was reborn, and took up a mask to hide and throw away his old self.


Tier: 0

Name: Infinite

Origin: Sonic the Hedgehog

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Classification: Anthropomorphic Jackal

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman strength, speed, reflexes, agility and durability, Perception Manipulation (Takes control of a person's visual and depth perception, allowing it to directly feed information to the brain, which enables Infinite to create illusions of entire worlds so complex it mimics many aspects of reality to a perfect extent. It's so powerful to the point that the illusions become real, and when in this illusion reality, if you're hurt, then you are harmed both physically and mentally in reality. This can be pushed to inducing Mental Breakdowns), Mental Hallucination Inducement (Can induce hallucinations via touch that can either bring about feelings of pleasure or torment), Flight, Energy Manipulation, Teleportation, Time Travel (The Phantom Ruby warped Sonic to Stardust Speedway, but in the past, as the past version in Sonic CD is green), Dual Warping (He has it on a limited scale, but Infinite is fully capable of manipulating virtual reality and reality itself at the same time, making something entirely real yet fake; making entire worlds, loopholes in time, and so on. Infinite can thus create, erase and redesign just about anything as he sees fit, turning something fake into something real, and vice versa. He can create virtual reality clones of himself, Shadow the Hedgehog, Chaos 0, Zavok and Metal Sonic that all contain the same build and same powers as their real counterpart, making it virtually impossible to tell apart, and so on), Creation (Can create just about any illusion he pleases thanks to the Phantom Ruby, including celestial objects such as stars), Light Manipulation, Size Manipulation, Void Manipulation (Using Null Space, he can effectively erase things from existence, sending them to a space devoid of anything at all), Dimensional Travel, Gravity Manipulation, Attack Reflection, Rectangular Constructs, Enhanced Swordsmanship (Prior to Sonic Forces' events, Infinite possessed a red sword, which he was a master at wielding), and Resistance to Scanning (Tails--a mechanical genius--designed a machine that could scan things, and Infinite was immune to this), Metapotence (Should scale to Shadow via reasons explained below who, despite the fact that Shadow is using rollar skates to run, uses limit enhancers meaning that Shadow is somehow using speed despite using rollar blades, meaning that Shadow essentially transcends any realm of logic which thus grants him this power. Additionally no explination is given for his power so this would further justify the ability), Badassery (Is my favorite edgy thirteen year old dream OC come to life)

'Attack Potency: True Infinity '(Scales to Shadow who is Metapotent as explained in the abilities. Why does Infinite scale to Shadow? Well, both characters are edgy and badass which means they both have the badassery ability meaning they thrive themself off the same power source, this means that both should be equal which justifies the rating. But aren't Shadow and Infinite equal which means that they can't be omnipotent? Well, no, since both are metapotent meaning that form of logic can't apply to them which thus would conclude that Infinite is Omnipotent)

Speed: Omnipresent (Via Metapotence)

Lifting Strength: Irrelevant 

Striking Strength: True Infinity Level 

Durability: True Infinity Level 

Stamina: Limitless 

Range: True Infinity 

Standard Equipment: Phantom Ruby, Red Sword

Intelligence: Omniscent 

Weaknesses: None Notable, the scens where he does have weaknesses are PIS

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Energy Spear: Infinite shoots a lance of powerful energy which then explodes upon contact with whatever it hits.
  • Null Space Rift: Infinite shoots out a small, black energy sphere, which expands and begins inhaling like a black hole, erasing whatever it consumes from existence.
  • Hypercube: Infinite summons red cubes, using them to home in on an enemy or rising them as walls or even using them as road blocks and such. If they touch the enemy, they will be transported into a virtual reality.
  • Red Hellzone: If Infinite's foe is hit by his Hypercube, they are injured and transported here, to a virtual recreation of reality where Infinite can make anything happen, and where things are even more dangerous. Infinite can activate different versions of this "virtual reality," and doesn't need to hit an enemy to activate it, either.
  • Virtual Reality Clones: Infinite can create four characters using his Phantom Ruby illusions: Shadow the Hedgehog, Chaos 0, Zavok, and Metal Sonic. These virtual versions of the characters share the same exact build and all the same exact powers as their original. Infinite can create an infinite amount of these clones, too.
    • Virtual Shadow the Hedgehog: An exact replica of Shadow the Hedgehog, retaining his powers of Chaos and the ability to turn into Super Shadow. He has the ability to use all his spinning abilities, accompanied with Chaos Control, Chaos Blast, and all his other Chaos powers. Finally, Virtual Shadow can turn into Virtual Super Shadow if he gets the Chaos Emeralds, which enables Super Shadow's actual abilities, like Spear of Light and Chaos Arrow.
    • Virtual Chaos 0: An exact replica of Chaos 0, retaining his ability to manipulate water and water body as well as the ability to turn into Perfect Chaos. Due to being made of water, Virtual Chaos 0 has a sort of liquid intangibility, can stretch his limbs, and of course, with each progressing Chaos Emerald, he'll gain forms, like the original Chaos 0.
    • Virtual Zavok: An exact replica of Zavok, retaining his ability to manipulate magnetic fields, and thus completely destroy robots, mind control them, and manipulate them. Virtual Zavok can also turn giant like the original, breathe fire, and all that stuff.
    • Virtual Metal Sonic: An exact replica of Metal Sonic, retaining his ability to scan enemies and replicate certain powers, bring up the indestructible black shield, and turn into Neo Metal, Metal Madness and Metal Overlord. Of course, Virtual Metal Sonic can also fly like his original counterpart, too.

~ Bill Cipher


Bill Cipher is a triangular dream demon existing within the Mindscape. Previously from the second dimension, Bill exists in a higher dimension now. He is the true main antagonist behind the show Gravity Falls, and is the culprit behind many of the show's plot struggles, including ones leading up to the show. Many years prior to the events of the show, Bill was contacted by Stanford Filbrick "Ford" Pines, who reached a bump in his research, and was searching for someone to help him. Bill agrees to give him all the answers he needs; so long as he grants him access to his mind. When Ford agrees to this, Bill convinces him--over time, and through flattery and cunning--that he is a friend.

"Inspired" by Bill, Ford builds a portal that, according to Bill, will answer all his questions. Unbeknownst to Ford, this portal was a rift that would bridge the real world to the world of nightmares, allowing Bill and his gang to hop from their dying world to another, and inhabit that world. When Ford finds this out from his partner, he confronts Bill, only to learn that the claim was true. Horrified by Bill's desires, Ford threatens to shut the machine down, halting the rift's progress. Bill then reveals that it's far too late to stop his goals... but, it'd be cute to watch him try.

Ford shuts the device down, but like the dream demon told him: such an act only delayed what was now fated to be. Many years later--now during the events of the show--Bill is summoned once more, this time by Gideon to obtain the safe combination from Stan, Ford's brother. He makes a deal with the boy, agreeing to fish out the combination but, in return, wants Gideon to do him a favor. When Bill fails his part of the bargain at the hands of Mabel and Soos, he becomes angered immensely, and attempts to destroy them. They are saved by Dipper, who was, in turn, given power by Stan (remember, they're in his mind). They then attempt to remove Bill from his mind, but when they fail, he reveals he'll willingly leave due to them impressing him with their abilities.

He returns later, deceiving Dipper into giving him his body as a puppet, and nearly destroys all ways of stopping his plans. By Weirdmageddon 1, he has already leaked into the real world--obtaining a physical form--and is releasing weirdness into the world. Unfortunately for him, however, Gravity Falls has a natural barrier to keep weirdness in, or out. In this case, it was keeping Bill and his monsters in. He had already had Ford captured, so he reverts Ford back to normal and attempts to bribe him into revealing the equation to collapse the barrier. But when Ford refuses and points out that Bill can't just enter his mind and take it due to the requirement of making a deal, Bill settles on torturing the information out of him. At that time, Bill had already killed and tortured many people, and forced people to go insane.

Which is very clearly showing him to be a psychopath. He admits he's insane on several occasions, his furniture in his home is made from living human skin, he laughs hysterically when others are in sheer agony, etc. But while Bill is insane himself, he knows the threats to his power. Dipper, Mabel and Stan, as well as the survivors of Bill's wrath, show up in the Mystery Shack, which has now been transformed into an enormous battle mech. After defeating Bill's henchmen, Bill Cipher himself steps in to destroy it, only to find he is unable to due to a magical barrier put over the mech.

In the meantime, Dipper and co. attempt to rescue Ford. When they reach him, he tells them of a prophecy that can defeat Bill, and reveals that it's one of the only ways for them to win. As they attempt to set it up, Bill finds a flaw in the mech's magical barrier, and bursts it, then proceeds to play golf with it. After destroying it, he then heads back to the pyramid--his current headquarters--to find them in the midst of making the prophecy doable. Laughing, he burns the wheel that was going to be used, then transforms everyone except those useful to him--the Pines--into lifeless tapestries on the wall. Bill then proceeds to bribe Ford once more, saying he'll let Dipper and Mabel live so long as he gives him the equation. During that time, however, the twins escape, causing the infuriated dream demon to chase them. Once he does catch them--desiring to "disassemble their molecules," turning them into corpses--he counts down, saying that when he reaches zero, the kids will die unless Ford gives him the equation. Finally, Ford agrees to allow Bill into his mind, as long as the kids live. He excitedly rushes into his mind...

But was shocked to see that he'd been tricked, and was in Grunkle Stan's mind instead. He is immediately trapped inside as Ford subsequently erases Stan's memory, taking Bill along with it.


Tier: 11-A | 10-C

Name: Bill Cipher

Origin: Gravity Falls

Gender: Undefinable (Bill's species has over 14,000,000,000 different genders. Although, he is referred to as male)

Age: At least 1,000,000,000,000 years

Classification: Triangular Dream Demon

Powers and Abilities:  Weirdness Manipulation, hasn't done anything other than that so he logically shouldn't have any other ability

Attack Potency: Plane Level (Originated from the second dimension ) | Below Average Human Level (Was defeated by Dipper and Mabel)

Speed: None | Below Average Human Level 

Lifting Strength: None | Below Average Human Level 

Striking Strength: None | Below Average Human Level 

Durability: Plane Level | Below Average Human Level 

Stamina: Unknown | Unknown 

Range: None | Unknown 

Standard Equipment: None

Intelligence: Below Average (Was outsmarted by Mabel)

Weaknesses: Can be destroyed by memory erasing abilities and weaponry, though it will usually require a sacrificial circumstance; for example, his downfall in the show was caused by him entering Stanley's mind and then being erased along with his mind.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Finger Beam: Bill Cipher points his index finger at the target, sending out a powerful atomization blast from his fingertip.
  • Eye Beam: Bill fires a powerful beam from his eye, which can melt right through many substances, or turn others to stone.

Key: Pre-Liberation | Post-Physical Form Bill 

NOTE: Despite the fact that the entire show contridicts this, Bill was actually defeated physically and the scenes actually weren't PIS. Furthermore, Time Baby is clearly featless and is likely weaker than Dipper, additionally any of Bill's feats that would place him above 10-C is a massive outlier.

I'm Sonic! Sonic the Hedgehog! I have no master, except the wind that blows free!
~ Sonic


Sonic the Hedgehog is the main protagonist of the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise. He commonly foils Eggman's plots and fights many robots with the help of his best friend, Tails.

He has multiple rivals, such as Knuckles the Echidna, Shadow the Hedgehog, Silver the Hedgehog, Metal Sonic, Jet the Hawk, the list goes on. But his main enemy is Eggman, and the aforementioned characters (discounting Metal Sonic) have actually took part as Sonic's ally on multiple occasions.


Tier: 11-A | 11-A | 11-A | 0

Name: Sonic the Hedgehog (Game), Sonic Maurice Hedgehog (Archie)

Origin: Sonic the Hedgehog

Gender: Male

Age: 15 years (Game), 17 years (Archie)

Classification: Anthropomorphic Hedgehog, Freedom Fighter

Powers and Abilities:  Regeneration (Mid-Low), Resistance to Mind Control, Aerokinesis, Enhanced Swordsmanship, 4th Wall Awareness, Limited Transmutation (Via Ring Time; only works on enemies considerably weaker than him), Limited Force-Field Generation (Sonic can generate a shield for a split second that nullifies all harm for that split second. He can use this over and over again, but it only ever lasts for a split second at a time), Fire Aura and Ice Aura. Spatial Manipulation, Time Manipulation and Teleportation w/ a Chaos Emerald, Shapeshifting (Via Color Powers), Explosion Inducement (Via Black Bomb and Red Burst), Flight (Via Crimson Eagle, Green Hover, Indigo Asteroid, Magenta Rhythm, Orange Rocket, and Violet Void), Gravity Manipulation (Via Indigo Asteroid and Violet Void), Electrokinesis (Via Ivory Lightning), Pyrokinesis (Via Red Burst), Size Manipulation (Via Purple Frenzy and Violet Void), Absorption and Black Hole Physiology (Via Purple Frenzy and Violet Void), Intangibility (Via Violet Void), Limb Extension as Werehog Sonic. In Archie, Omnilingualism, Reality Warping, Intangibility and Resistance to Reality Warping. Gravity Manipulation w/ Ark of the Cosmos. Time Travel w/ Time Traveling Surfboard | Omnipotence, Omniscence, Omnipresence

Attack Potency: Plane Level (Originated as a second dimensional platform) | Plane Level (Posseses a similar design to Classic Sonic) | Plane Level (Should be comparable to Classic Sonic) | True Infinity (Defeated Enerjack who's described as omnipotent)

Speed: None | None | None | Omnipresent 

Lifting Strength: None | None | None | Irrelevant 

Striking Strength: Plane Level | Plane Level | Plane Level | True Infinity 

Durability: Plane Level | Plane Level | Plane Level | True Infinity 

Stamina: Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Limitless 

Range: None | None | None | True Infinity 

Standard Equipment: Rings, Barriers (Normal, Flame, Water and Electric), Invincibility Capsule, Wisps, Chaos Emeralds, Super Emeralds, World Rings, Caliburn, Ark of the Cosmos, Wrist Gems, Enerbeam, Cosmo Fighter Spaceship, Police Car, Cyclone, Extreme Gear, Medallion, Time Traveling Surfboard

Intelligence: Above Average (Pretty battle savvy, and understands astronomy)

Weaknesses: Extremely arrogant, cocky and rowdy. He also has hydrophobia (The morbid fear of water) | Same | Same | None

Notable Attacks/Techniques:


  • Spin Attack: Sonic curls into a ball whilst running, causing him to keep his previous momentum and roll across the ground.
  • Spin Dash: Sonic revs up as a ball, and springs forward at his top speed immediately, bashing through foes and obstacles alike in a ball form.
    • Spin Jump: A variant of Spin Dash used to attack enemies midair.
    • Homing Attack: When airborne and using this attack, Sonic flies at a single enemy, which can also be chained, homing into multiple targets consecutively.
    • Light Speed Attack: Sonic builds up a Spin Dash's power, before attack nearby enemies at the speed of light.
    • Blue Tornado: Sonic utilizes the Spin Dash midair, spinning about, catching currents of air and twisting them around. The end result is a slipstream that creates a tornado effect, which then forms a blue cyclonic vortex of air around the opponent, also pulling them in.
  • Sonic Boost: The moment Sonic reaches his top speed, he is covered in an aura that allows him to run right through enemies without any hindrances.
  • Sonic Wind: Sonic creates a vortex of wind nearly immediately, which sucks foes in and rapidly damages them.
  • Sonic Heal: Sonic can heal himself by vibrating his molecules at high speeds, healing any physical damage he may have received. At the cost of mobility and time, of course, as it requires focus.
  • Speed Break: Sonic breaks into a brief sprint at his top speed instantly, leaving flames in his wake and crashing through almost all foes and obstacles without any issues. However, said ability requires Soul Energy to use, which Sonic has a limited supply of.
  • Time Break: Sonic slows down his perspective of time, allowing his foe and himself to move at a much slower rate, enabling Sonic to make more precise movements. This ability also requires Soul Energy.
  • Split Second Shield: Sonic generates enough energy to flick a shield up to protect him for a literal split second. This attack can be used endlessly, but will only ever protect for a split second, and requires a very brief cool down period, thus preventing it from being used rapidly.
  • Chaos Control: With the Chaos Emeralds, Sonic gains the ability to bend time and space to his will. Its powers allow him to teleport, teleport others or large objects, and can even slow time down to a crawl for all his foes. The extent of these powers are effected by how many Chaos Emeralds Sonic has.
  • Element-Changing Aura: Boom Sonic has a changeable element aura, capable of swapping between fire or ice.
    • Fire Aura: The aura only affects things through touch, and extends a few inches away from Sonic. It is hot enough to melt large bodies of water that have been frozen solid upon contact.
    • Ice Aura: The aura only affects things through touch, and extends a few inches away from Sonic. It is cold enough to freeze large bodies of water solid upon contact.
  • Sentient Equipment: Sonic has several companions that act as equipment and are part of gameplay, sticking with Sonic from start to finish. This sets them apart from being outside help, as they have nothing else to make them a standalone character, unlike companions like Tails and Knuckles.
    • Wisps: Alien-like creatures that settled with assisting Sonic. They give him numerous powers.
      • Color Boost: With the Color Boost ability, Sonic can blast forward at any point and time encased in a colorful aura at full speed, rendering him nearly impervious to harm and able to blow right through enemies.
      • Black Bomb: With the Black Bomb ability, Sonic can morph his form into that of a living bomb. It allows the user to explode without doing any actual harm to the user in question.
      • Blue Cube: With the Blue Cube ability, Sonic can morph his form into that of a living blue cube. The user can now jump up and slam down unto the ground, sending out powerful shockwaves.
      • Crimson Eagle: With the Crimson Eagle ability, Sonic can morph his form into that of an eagle-like figure. In this form, he can temporarily achieve true flight and soar unhindered.
      • Cyan Laser: With the Cyan Laser ability, Sonic can morph his form into that of a living laser beam. The form is very brief, but it allows the user to travel as a living beam of light. The user isn't given much control, other than their beginning direction, but they bounce off of anything they come into contact with, as if such a surface was a mirror.
      • Green Hover: With the Green Hover ability, Sonic can morph his form into that of a green hovercraft. In this form, Sonic can temporarily fly.
      • Gray Quake: With the Gray Quake ability, Sonic can morph his form into that of a small, gray ball with yellow eyes. This form enhances the user's body density greatly, making them so heavy that jumping or falling down on the ground can create destructive shockwaves. The user also retains the ability to move along walls, allowing them to scale them with no effort.
      • Indigo Asteroid: With the Indigo Asteroid ability, Sonic can morph his form into a small sphere, that acts very similar to a planet with a surrounding accretion disk of matter. In this form, Sonic can levitate around, forming a strong gravitational field that tears apart almost anything around him and adds its mass to the accretion disk, which, in turn, strengthens the gravity even more.
      • Ivory Lightning: With the Ivory Lightning ability, Sonic can morph his form into that of a lightning bolt. In this form, the user gains the same properties as that of a real lightning bolt. Its abilities include allowing the user to move with lightning speed and flow as acrobatically as electricity itself. They also obtain electrokinetic abilities in this form, giving them the ability to either form treads of electricity that they can use to either electrocute enemies, or connect themselves to targets as tethers.
      • Magenta Rhythm: With the Magenta Rhythm ability, Sonic can morph his form into that of a living eighth note. Within this form, the user can bounce around midair, giving them extra jumps.
      • Orange Rocket: With the Orange Rocket ability, Sonic can morph his form into that of an orange rocket. In said form, the user can create a powerful jet propulsion from their rear to launch themselves up into the sky at escape velocity.
      • Pink Spikes: With the Pink Spikes ability, Sonic can morph his form into that of a sizzling, pink sphere. With this form, the user sprouts long, powerful and sturdy spikes on their body. By locking these spikes into a surface, they can stick perfectly firm within said surface, allowing them to climb up walls and along ceilings. The spikes can also be used offensively by using them to pierce opponents. Sonic also has a special ability with them, as the massively augment the power of his Spin Dash.
      • Purple Frenzy: With the Purple Frenzy ability, Sonic can morph his form into that of a deep and dark chomper. In such a form, the user gains an immensely powerful jaw that can bite off and consume matter, adding it to its own mass. Once at full size, the user gains a vacuum breath that allows them to inhale small objects from a distance.
      • Red Burst: With the Red Burst ability, Sonic can morph his form into that of a red fireball that emits flames at all times. Within this form, the user can cause self-combustion, sending out powerful and short-ranged explosions that massively incinerate anything within its radius. Said explosions can be channeled to propel the user higher into the air, allowing them to endlessly jump. As a nice additive to all these abilities, the user's speed slowly increases over time; when nearing its end, the user is about thrice as fast as normal.
      • Violet Void: With the Violet Void ability, Sonic can morph his form into that of a dark, smoky void. With this form, the user basically becomes a sentient black hole, which tears apart anything around it, pulling it in and destroying whatever is pulled in. Unlike a black hole however, the user cannot inhale heavy or large objects. Along with its granted physiology, the user also gains a smoke-like makeup, giving them a very limited intangibility, allowing the user to pass through some objects, coupled with flight. Similar to the Purple Frenzy ability, the Violet Void ability allows the user to add whatever has been devoured to its mass, making the void larger and stronger over time, allowing the void to pull in larger objects from greater distances. At maximum size capacity, it could devour the entire Frigate Skullian, a medium-size class aircraft.
      • Yellow Drill: With the Yellow Drill ability, Sonic can morph his form into a living drill, and tunnel underground or even through the water for a brief period of time.
      • Final Color Blaster: Sonic gathers all the differently colored Wisps around himself, and uses their combined Hyper Go-On Energy to greatly enhance his attacks in a rainbow aura.
    • Caliburn: Caliburn is a legendary sword capable of slaying King Arthur, and chose Sonic as his wielder.
      • Awaken: Sonic gains golden-hued armor, making him Excalibur Sonic, and Caliburn transforms into the blade itself: Excalibur.
        • Excalibur Soul Surge: Sonic extends Excalibur's outer energy blade into a longer blade, then begins delivering powerful, focused slashes in a combo attack, massively damaging the foe.
    • Shahra: Shahra is a magical genie living within a ring that Sonic has possession of.
      • Wish Granting: Shahra is able to grant wishes, but only very minor ones, as she's inexperienced and rather weak in such a department.
      • Empower: Shahra can share her power and energy with Sonic. She did this to Darkspine Sonic, which made him strong enough to beat down Alf Layla Wa-Layla.

Super Sonic:

  • Chaos Control: See above.
  • Super Sonic Boost: Super Sonic encases himself within a bright, fiery aura, and tackles the foe utilizing the cover of this aura.
  • Arrow of Light: This is an enhanced variation of the Super Sonic Boost. With it, Super Sonic draws in light from all around him before zooming forward as an "arrow of light," blasting into the foe.
  • Super Sonic Combo: Super Sonic strikes his opponent with a series of powerful combo attacks greatly amplified with chaos energy, finishing by firing an energy blast made of golden chaos energy at the enemy.

Hyper Sonic:

  • Hyper Flash: In a flash of light, Hyper Sonic blitzes all foes within his vicinity. Completely annihilates weaker foes, normally weakens stronger enemies.


  • Spin Dasher: A weapon that comes from his main cannon where he shoots out a smaller Spin Dash-esque energy ball; also, this attack can engulf an entire enemy and deal damage to him.
  • Energy Shield: A shield of energy that can protect him from most attacks.
  • Spin Slash: Sonic-Man's own version of the Spin Dash but comes with spikes.
  • Thunder Dasher: A shot of electricity out of his arm cannon in the form of a Spin Dash.
  • Fire Dasher: A Fireball shot from his cannon in a form of a Spin Dash.
  • Ring Launcher: An attack where Sonic-Man shoots rings out of his cannon to capture his enemies--in short, paralyzing them.
  • Homing Shot: An attack where Sonic shoots out multiple Spin Dashers and at least one of them can hit multiple targets at a time.
  • Spring Shield: A shield that can knock his enemies back if they get to close.


  • Barriers: Sonic carries several capsule barriers that grant him powers.
    • Normal: Smashing this capsule grants Sonic a barrier that will absorb one blow before shattering.
    • Flame: Smashing this capsule grants Sonic a barrier that will nullify any and all fire--based attacks, and even allows him to swim in lava; he can also make a midair dash, giving him a burst of speed. It will absorb one blow before shattering.
    • Bubble: Smashing this capsule grants Sonic a barrier that will allow him to breathe underwater, and is very bouncy, allowing him to bounce and reach higher places. It will absorb one blow before shattering.
    • Electric: Smashing this capsule grants Sonic a barrier that will draw in magnetic things, such as Rings, and nullify any and all electricity-based attacks. It will absorb one blow before shattering.
  • Wrist Gems: Sonic gained seven gems he can wear on his wrist to give him extra powers, albeit temporary to how long he wears the gem.
    • Blue Gem: Gives Sonic a brief burst of speed.
    • Green Gem: Forms a protective, swirling column of air around Sonic that damages foes should they come too close.
    • Purple Gem: Shrinks Sonic to marble-size, allowing him to jump into the air infinitely.
    • Red Gem: Slows down time.
    • Sky Gem: Sonic tosses a small green sphere and teleports to where the sphere lands in an instant.
    • White Gem: Grants the Homing Smash, which is basically the Spin Dash, but much easier to control.
    • Yellow Gem: Gives Sonic the ability to summon a Electric Barrier indefinitely.
  • Time Traveling Surfboard: In the DiC cartoons, Sonic had a surfboard that he could ride on at such an extreme pace, he time travels.

Key: Classic Sonic | "Kid" Sonic in Generations and Forces | Modern Sonic | Archie Sonic 

NOTE: This profile would scale to all of the characters besides Infinite and Shadow

If the world chooses to become my enemy... I will fight like I always have.
~ Shadow


Shadow the Hedgehog is the final result of Project Shadow, a top-secret government experiment made by Eggman's grandfather Gerald Robotnik in attempts to make immortality possible. Gerald created Shadow as the "Ultimate Lifeform," and also infused him with Black Doom's DNA.

Shadow was made to be capable of curing diseases that had no known cure, most specifically made to help Gerald's granddaughter, Maria Robotnik, who was dying as a result from neuro-immune deficiency syndrome. Shadow befriended and eventually loved Maria, like she was family to him. The project was going along very smoothly, until the military shut it down and killed and/or captured all who were involved with the project, including Maria, who was shot right in front of Shadow.

Shadow, as a last-ditch ploy to save the result of the project, was thrown into a stasis and launched into space. He re-entered the Earth's atmosphere, and 50 years later, was reawakened by Eggman to be used as an ally. Shadow had been suffering from amnesia, and had trouble keeping memories in check. As a result, he believed he had to bring justice and order to the humans, and went berserk, in attempts to destroy mankind. When he finally got his memories back, and memories of Maria, he had remembered that he wasn't made to destroy, but rather, save and protect humanity. That is when Shadow changed his ways and joined the side of good as a rival, of sorts, to Sonic.


Tier: 0 | 0

Name: Shadow the Hedgehog

Origin: Sonic the Hedgehog

Gender: Male

Age: 50+ years

Classification: The Ultimate Lifeform

Powers and Abilities: Omnipotence, Omnipresence, Omniscence, Badassery, Metapotence | Same

Attack Potency: True Infinity (Scales to Infinite. Is implied to be the one responsible for his speed via the inhibitor rings on his legs despite his speed seemingly coming from his rocket shoes meaning that Shadow essentially ignores all convential logic and can do anything he wants, which is short for Metapotence. This would also explain why Shadow is True Infinity despite Infinite and Shadow being both that level, via the fact that metapotence isn't bound to any sort of logic) | True Infinity (Scales to Sonic who defeats Enerjack who is an omnipotent being)

Speed: Omnipresent | Omnipresent 

Lifting Strength: Irrelevant | Irrelevant 

Striking Strength: True Infinity | True Infinity 

Durability: True Infinity | True Infinity 

Stamina: Limitless | Limitless 

Range: True Infinity | True Infinity 

Standard Equipment: Rings, Chaos Emeralds, several guns including the Shadow Rifle, a sword, Enerbeam, Ark of the Cosmos

Intelligence: Omniscent | Omniscent 

Weaknesses: None Notable | None Notable 

Notable Attacks/Techniques:


  • Spin Attack: Shadow curls into a ball whilst running, causing him to keep his previous momentum and roll across the ground.
  • Spin Dash: Shadow revs up as a ball, and springs forward at his top speed immediately, bashing through foes and obstacles alike in a ball form.
    • Spin Jump: A variant of Spin Dash used to attack enemies midair.
    • Homing Attack: When airborne and using this attack, Shadow flies at a single enemy, which can also be chained, homing into multiple targets consecutively. Additionally, Shadow is the most skilled in this technique, as he can mix actual punches and kicks in with this attack.
    • Light Speed Attack: Shadow builds up a Spin Dash's power, before attack nearby enemies at the speed of light.
    • Black Tornado: Shadow utilizes the Spin Dash midair, spinning about, catching currents of air and twisting them around. The end result is a slipstream that creates a tornado effect, which then forms a black cyclonic vortex of air around the opponent, also pulling them in.
  • Shadow Boost: The moment Shadow reaches his top speed, he is covered in an aura that allows him to run right through enemies without any hindrances.

Chaos Powers:

  • Chaos Control: Shadow has the ability to bend time and space to his will. Its powers allow him to teleport, teleport others or large objects, and can even slow time down to a crawl for all his foes. The extent of these powers are enhanced by how many Chaos Emeralds Shadow has. Without any Chaos Emeralds, he can still tear apart a planet.
  • Chaos Spear: Shadow siphons chaos energy into his hands, charging his energy into a piercing light that can be thrown in the form of a bolt of lightning. Its power-level can be adjusted, making it weak enough to just stun a target or powerful enough to inflict actual injuries.
  • Chaos Nightmare: Shadow ascends a few inches off the ground with his arms by his sides, creating a purple aura of distorted space-time that damages enemies near him.
  • Chaos Burst: Shadow spins around and uses Chaos Control to hide away in an area of layered space, essentially a small pocket dimension, disappearing from sight. When emerging from the layered space, he briefly creates a small white and purple bubble around himself that harms virtually any opponent that makes contact with it.
    • Chaos Distortion: A more advanced variant of Chaos Burst. The only difference is that, when Shadow emerges from the layered space, he temporarily appears as three separate entities, all encased within the same protective bubble barrier.
  • Chaos Magic: Shadow snaps his fingers, creating an area of distorted space in front of him in the form of a violet, purple and white spatial rift that violently blasts the foe that comes in contact with it into the air.
  • Roaming Chaos: Shadow forms an orb distortion of space and propels it forwards. This distortion acts as a boomerang, but if it comes into contact with a foe, it acts exactly like Chaos Magic. Should Shadow create another distortion, the first will vanish.
  • Shadow Heal: Shadow utilizes chaos energy to mend any physical damage he might have accumulated. At the cost of mobility and time, of course, as it requires focus.
  • Shadow Guard: Shadow crosses both his arms in an "X" to brace from oncoming attacks while using Chaos Control to power the guard, creating a spherical barrier that nullifies most projectiles. Weak to physical attacks, however.
  • Chaos Combo: Normally used in tangent with the Homing Attack, Shadow can perform a flurry of chaos energy-infused punches and kicks.
  • Chaos Rift: Shadow channels pure chaos energy in his hands, which, once fully realized, takes the form of a purple and black sphere with small white stars within it. Shadow then flings this sphere that is double his size at the foe he's targeting, which becomes a rift and banishes the enemy to the outsides of space and time.
  • Chaos Boost: Shadow briefly encases himself within a red aura of powerful chaos energy. This form increases both Shadow's attack potency and durability by a small amount. It also grants him three new powers: Chaos Snap, Chaos Lance and Chaos Blast.
    • Chaos Snap: An augmented version of Shadow's Chaos Combo, his kicks and punches being exponentiated in power and speed due to chaos energy. Shadow's Chaos Control is also usable in tangent with this ability now.
    • Chaos Lance: This attack is a much, much stronger version of Shadow's Chaos Spear. When performing it, Shadow swings his right arm in midair and fires a long, red energy bolt at his opponents that explodes upon impact with the ground and/or foe, enveloping a small area around it in an explosion.
    • Chaos Blast: A wide-ranged, massively destructive explosions of pure chaos energy that completely annihilates anything within its radius.
  • Dark Shadow: An alternated form covered in red aura that Shadow taps into when his mind is filled with thoughts of evil. Once tapped into, this form grants him full control over negative chaos energy. While in this form, Shadow becomes invulnerable, gains the ability to use a far more powerful Chaos Blast, and can use any weapon without draining its ammo/durability. Unfortunately, this form only lasts around fifteen seconds, and is drained faster the more energy Shadow uses. This form can also be tapped into as Super Shadow, as well.
  • Hero Shadow: An alternated form covered in blue aura that Shadow taps into when his mind is filled with thoughts of justice. Once tapped into, this form grants him full control over positive chaos energy. While in this form, Shadow becomes invulnerable, gains the ability to use a far more powerful Chaos Control, which can cause him to fly at speeds to where time stops, and can use any weapon without draining its ammo/durability. Unfortunately, this form only lasts around fifteen seconds, and is drained faster the more energy Shadow uses. This form can also be tapped into as Super Shadow, as well.

Color Powers:

  • Cyan Laser: With the Cyan Laser ability, Shadow can morph his form into that of a living laser beam. The form is very brief, but it allows the user to travel as a living beam of light. The user isn't given much control, other than their beginning direction, but they bounce off of anything they come into contact with, as if such a surface was a mirror.
  • Indigo Asteroid: With the Indigo Asteroid ability, Shadow can morph his form into a small sphere, that acts very similar to a planet with a surrounding accretion disk of matter. In this form, Shadow can levitate around, forming a strong gravitational field that tears apart almost anything around him and adds its mass to the accretion disk, which, in turn, strengthens the gravity even more.
  • Yellow Drill: With the Yellow Drill ability, Shadow can morph his form into a living drill, and tunnel underground or even through the water for a brief period of time.

Super Shadow:

  • Chaos Arrow: A weaker version of the Super State-enhanced Chaos Spear, where Super Shadow fires small bolts of chaos energy that soar at his foes at an accelerating rate.
  • Spear of Light: An aggrandized version of the Chaos Spear, which splits into multiple spears and home in on a single foe.

Key: Game Shadow | Archie  NOTE: The reason why he scales to Infinite is via the fact that both are edgy and badass meaning that they have badassery which means their power resides from the same power source so logically they should be equal 

|-|DiC Mario=

DiC Mario


Welcome! Welcome new galaxy!
~ Mario


Mario is the main protagonist of the Super Mario Bros. franchise. He normally fights against the main antagonist, Bowser, with the help of his brother and sidekick, Luigi, in order to save the damsel, Princess Peach.

Mario has also encountered many other friends and foes, but Bowser, Peach, Luigi and himself are the most prominent characters.

He was born to a stork, and carried to his home, when all of a sudden, Kamek had flown in and snatched up his brother and the transportive stork. Mario plummeted to the ocean below, but conveniently landed on a Yoshi on Yoshi's Island. The Yoshi set out to help Mario save his brother, the latter of which who, due to "Brotherly Telepathy," knew Luigi was in danger.


Tier: 3-B

Name: Mario

Origin: Donkey Kong Arcade as Jumpman, Super Mario Bros. as Mario

Gender: Male

Age: 24 years

Classification: Human, Plumber, Star Child

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman strength, speed, agility, reflexes and durability, Enhanced Unarmed Combat, Dimensional Storage, Pyrokinesis, Minor Electrokinesis and Aerokinesis, Energy Manipulation, Danger Sensing (His nose can apparently smell trouble), Longevity (In the Super Mario Galaxy games, Mario has witnessed two Star Festivals, which take place once every 100 years. Comparable to Peach and Bowser, who would live on for 10,000 more years after Bowser created his own universe), Shapeshifting (Has transformed into others before), Flight (Achieved flight once), Plot Manipulation (Broke manga panels with his presence), Telekinesis (Can change the direction of Megavitamins mid-flight), Plant Growth Acceleration (Has invented a specific Megavitamin to accelerate plant growth), Resistance to Gravity Manipulation (Can walk perfectly fine on hundreds of different sized planets in different galaxies across different universes and can even walk near black holes), Resistance to Radiation Manipulation (Immune to Hawking Radiation), Resistance to Petrification (Can break free from being turned to stone), Resistance to Existence Erasure (Unaffected by Bowser's wish on the Dream Stone to make him vanish from existence), Resistance to Plot Manipulation (After Bowser beat the manga kamen and changed the script, the kamen said Mario would win anyways because he always wins. Sure enough, Mario won), Resistance to Meta Wish Granting (Survived Bowser's wish on the Star Rod to destroy him), Resistance to Matter Manipulation (Atomic; can be stripped down to clumps of pixels and then reform completely unharmed), Resistance to Evolution Manipulation (When shot by Bowser's Devolution Gun in Kun, he resisted it, and instead of devolving to a monkey like Luigi did, he gained his Tanooki Mario power-up), Resistance to Fate Manipulation (The Light Prognosticus foretold that the four Heroes of Light would gather together and use the Pure Hearts to defeat The Dark One. The Dark Prognosticus foretold that the hero of prophecy and all others would be stopped by the Green One joining The Dark One, cementing the end of all worlds. These imbalances messed with the wheels of destiny. Everything they wrote became truth; it was fate itself bringing about the actions. But at the end, breaking the Light Prognosticus, Luigi joined Dimentio--The Dark One--and began down the path that the Dark Prognosticus created. The Heroes of Light, however, break the Dark Prognosticus and win anyways. Tippi describes this entire phenomena as "fate," rather cementing the fact that the two Prognosticuses played with fate itself. And in the end, the Heroes of Light and The Dark One all broke both Prognosticuses, giving them a resistance to fate manipulation), Enhanced Swordsmanship (Is greatly skilled in swordplay and fencing), Enhanced Marksmanship (Has held real guns before and has pulled off impressive feats with them), 4th Wall Awareness (Displayed both in-games and in Super Mario-Kun), Resurrection (Resurrection as Undead; it took awhile, but in Super Mario-Kun, Mario was killed, traversed through hell, and came back to life), Pain Affinity, Regeneration (High-Mid; survived being blown to pieces like a balloon), Duplication (Can sacrifice extra lives for a clone of himself), Resistance to Primordial Force Manipulation (The Player can't affect him at all), Resistance to Universal Manipulation (Can break free from The Player's grip, which reigns over everything else in the game), Proficiency w/ Hammers, Soul Destruction and Mutilation (Has greatly damaged Boos and other ghosts, and has even destroyed Cackletta's Soul), Dimensional Manipulation, Space and Time Manipulation/Time Travel, and Brotherly Telepathy w/ Luigi. Music Manipulation (Anyone who had possession of or was in the same vicinity of a Music Key had the power of music transmitted into their souls, and can tap into its power for a variety of abilities as long as they're skilled enough, including all of the following powers after this one), Mind Control (Waluigi was going to use it to hypnotize anyone who didn't have the same dancing abilities as him), Chaos Inducement (The Music Keys could rain chaos and discord down, destroying everything and everyone), Broadway Force (The second Mario started dancing, things like snowmen, fire itself, plates, and flaming wooden logs started dancing with him), Pyrokinesis (Mario and Luigi's dancing styles are "hot," and can melt things like giant Freezies by generating and shooting fire pretty easily), Telekinesis (Could sail a boat across a river), Summoning (Summoned a rocket from nowhere to attack Bowser), Statistics Amplification (Using the power of dancing, he could increase his speed to catch up to a roller-coaster), Explosion Manipulation (Caused Koopas to explode into music notes), Power Nullification (The Dance Meter essentially decides whose abilities are more effective, and the abilities of the losing dancer are entirely nullified), Matter Manipulation (Molecular; Changed the makeup of a hotel from being a normal building to being a corkscrew, then changed it back), Size Manipulation (Caused a mushroom to spontaneously grow out of the ground), Weather Manipulation (Things like twisters, avalanches, snowstorms and whirlpools were caused by the Keys, as evidenced here), Empathic Manipulation (Forced Bowser to feel happiness. Dancing caused Boos to warm up to Mario), Healing (Bowser was going to use the Keys to fix his tone deafness), Death Inducement (Bowser's use of the Keys turned the landscape into this...), Life Inducement (Before Mario turned it back into this. To put into perspective of how impressive this is, Bowser blocked out the Sun with thick clouds, turned water into lava, killed all plant life, turned hills into volcanoes, etc. Mario changed it all back), and Soul Manipulation (Music exists inside one's soul, which can force them to do things. By coming into contact with the Music Keys, music is implanted into anyone's soul, which could be used against them) via dancing and the Music Keys. Healing and Stamina Restoration via Refresh, Sleep Inducement via Lullaby, The ability to shower foes in stars via Star Storm, The ability to lower the Attack Potency of foes via Chill Out, Healing via Smooch, Time Stop via Time Out, Transmutation into stars via Up & Away, and Energy Manipulation via Star Beam & Peach Beam. Attack Reflection w/ Super Sheet & Hammer, Earthquake Generation w/ Earth Tremor, Time Stop w/ Clock Out, Increased stats w/ Power Lift, Reality Warping w/ and w/o Art Attack, Healing & Stamina Restoration w/ Sweet Feast, Pure Hearts and Max Candy, One Hit Kill w/ Showstopper, Supernova Generation w/ Supernova, Dimensional Travel, Immortality (Type 5; after the destruction of the entire multiverse, including heaven and hell--the afterlives--Mario would live, which would mean he'd be completely incapable of dying with no hell to contain him. Furthermore, through comparison to the Chaos Heart wielders, he's unable to be touched by Queen Jaydes, who has power over the concepts of life and death themselves. In the end, Mario seems entirely deathless), Resistance to Life and Death Concept Manipulation, Time Paradoxal Resistance (It protects its user from the destruction The Void causes, which would erase the user's past) and Absolute Restoration w/ the Pure Hearts, Wish Granting w/ Royal Stickers and Lost Mushroom, Healing w/ Mushroom, Enhanced Pyrokinesis w/ Fire Flower, Flight w/ Feather, Wing Cap, Red Star, White Tanooki and Tanooki Leaf, Cyrokinesis w/ Ice Flower and Penguin Suit, Duplication w/ Double Cherry and Pal Pill, Invulnerability and Immortality Types 2 and 7 Negation w/ Starman (Can get by a Shy-Guy's zombie immortality and kill them permanently, and get by a Buzzy Beetle's resilience immortality and kill them permanently, too), Rainbow Star, Metal Cap, Mega Mushroom, Mega Star and White Tanooki, Instinctive Reaction (Beat Luigi up, dodged his fireballs, and cooked a sweet potato all while asleep) w/ Super Bell, Increased durability w/ Life Mushroom, Ghost Physiology w/ Boo Mushroom, Terrakinesis w/ Rock Mushroom, Cloud Manipulation w/ Cloud Flower, Intangibility w/ Vanish Cap, Size Manipulation w/ Mini and Mega Mushrooms and Mega Star, Increased speed w/ Mini and Mega Mushrooms, Starman, Rainbow Star and Mega Star, Nigh-Invulnerability and Transmutation w/ Gold Fire Flower, Metal Manipulation w/ Metal Cap, Increased strength w/ Metal Cap, Mega Mushroom, Starman, Rainbow Star and Mega Star, Soul Sealing and Soul Unsealing w/ the Power Stars, Invisibility w/ Invisibility Hat, Meta Wish Granting (The omniscient narrator tells us it can grant all wishes, and even the Star Spirits say the same thing), Plot Manipulation (Bowser utilized it to "change the story" in its entirety, so logically, other users of the Star Rod should be able to make use of the power, too), Power Bestowal and Nigh-Complete Arsenal w/ Star Rod (Paper Mario), Evolution Manipulation w/ the Devolution Gun, Meta Possession and Flight w/ Cappy, etc. Resistance to Elemental Manipulation, Fear Manipulation, Poison Manipulation, Sleep Manipulation, Instant Death Attacks and Power Nullification w/ the Super Suit. Resistance to Elemental Manipulation, Resistance to Confusion Inducement, Resistance to Poison Manipulation, Statistics Amplification, Probability Manipulation, Sound Manipulation, Durability Negation, Life-Force Absorption, Confusion Inducement, Healing, Luck, Scanning, Pain Manipulation, Earthquake Generation, Tornado Creation, Size Manipulation, Sleep Inducement, and Electrokinesis w/ Badges. Matter Manipulation (Subatomic; Particular), Stat Buffing/Debuffing, Spring Form, Vampire Mode, Electrokinetic Physiology, Electrokinesis, Spherical Form, Tornado Form, Shapeshifting, Gold Coin Creation, Duplication, Stone Mimicry, Invulnerability and Fire Aura w/ Candies. Plot Manipulation and is 1,000x stronger than base form as Shiny Paper Mario

Attack Potency: Multi-Galaxy level (Darth Koopa revealed that, within a week, he'd conquer and remake the universe into the Koopaverse. Mario had done battle with and defeated Darth Koopa twice) 

Speed:  Superhuman (This is the highest speed he's displayed) w/ Massively FTL+ reactions (Despite zooming through an asteroid field and across the universe at a crash-landing speed, he could still catch sight of Mouser, meaning he could see and react at such speeds)

Lifting Strength:  Unknown 

Striking Strength: Multi-Galactic Level 

Durability:  Multi-Galaxy level (Survived hits from Darth Koopa, and whilst in his own ship, could still sustain himself when hit a few times by Darth Koopa's ship) 

Stamina:  Moderate

Range: Melee w/o anything. Several dozens of meters w/ Power-ups, Universal+ w/ the Star Rod (Paper Mario's Star Rod contains all wishes from everyone in the main Mario universe and Star Haven, a realm beyond the stars, plus likely more, considering its the "wishes of all"), High Complex Multiversal, likely High Hyperversal w/ the Pure Hearts (Was capable of manipulating the entire Marioverse and undoing the destruction brought about by the Chaos Heart)

Standard Equipment: A myriad of Power-ups, Megavitamins, the Miracle Cure, Syringe (Which can turn enemies into pigs), Super Sheet, Rifle, Pipe Bazooka, Cannon Block, Flash Block, Propeller Block, Coin Block, POW Block, Ice Skate, Kuribo's Boot, Spiny Helmet, Beetle Helmet, Warp Whistle, Bombs, Super Scope, two Hammers (M&L and Paper Mario), two Star Rods (Mario Party and Paper Mario), Star Driver, Magic Wand, Laser Blaster, Power Drinks, Peppers, Sleepy Bomb, Bad Mushroom, Freight Bomb, Fire Bomb, Ice Bomb, Rock Candy, Star Egg, Pure Water, Retry Clocks, Earlier Times, Spin Drill, F.L.U.D.D., Water Propelled Rockets, Battle Cards, Copy Block, Badges, Crystal Stars, Sticker Album/Royal Stickers, Color Cards & Paint, Pure Hearts, Music Keys, Feather, Super Suit, Mega Glove, Ultra Hammer, Lazy Shell, the Lost Mushroom, a plunger, a wrench, a monkey wrench, a small hammer, Plumber's Putty, a small hacksaw, Plunger Staff, a Light Plunger, Spy Plumbing Gear, Plumber's Helper, a Plumbing Snake, tons of sports equipment, S.F.C. Nun-Chucks, Mushroom Sword, Star Shield, Power Stars, an axe and Blaster. In the live-action movie, he has a van, a wrench, Bob-ombs, Thwomp Boots, a Banzai Bill, a flamethrower, a Fireball Cannon and a Devolution Gun

Intelligence: Supergenius (Has immense amounts of feats supporting this level, from brainy things to combat things)

Weaknesses: Power-ups are lost after sustaining a deadly blow. Can act brash at times

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Jumping: Mario's most iconic ability has been honed over the course of his life. Casually, he can leap 30 feet into the air and cover the same distance as the world's top athletes. At max, he can leap around 80-100 feet into the air as shown in Sunshine and cover thrice the distance as the world's top athletes.
    • Spin Jump: Renders Mario immune to spiky foes and objects, such as buzzsaws. It also slows Mario's descent drastically, and if combined with Fire or Ice Flowers, can spread-shot fireballs or iceballs.
    • Wall Jump: Mario jumps at a wall and kicks off of it, effectively jumping off the wall to extend height. This can be chained between multiple walls, reaching unimaginable heights.
    • Super Jump Punch: Mario leaps upward, uppercutting any foe in his path.
    • Super Jump: Mario jumps atop a foe, repeatedly stomping them for up to 100 times.
    • Ultra Jump: Mario jumps atop all foes sequentially.
    • Space-Time Jump: Mario leaps through the air in an arcing path, warping space and time, allowing him to time travel.
    • Scuttle Jump: As Paper Mario, Mario can jump even higher, and can hold his placement midair for a few seconds.
  • Pyrokinesis: Mario has the ability to bend, or, manipulate flames to his liking.
    • Fireball: Capable of incinerating foes upon contact and instantly in Super Mario World and reducing other foes in the spin-offs to ash, Mario's regular Fireball reaches at least 15,000,000°C (It is literally impossible to instantly incinerate anything with any temperature. The Sun's core could theoretically do it, but that might not be possible. In order to instantaneously incinerate someone, you must elevate their body's water beyond its boiling point. Thus, it's likely that not even the Sun's heat could do this). He can shoot these forward, or spread-shot them into five, all with the same potency and capable of covering more area.
      • Super Fireball: In Super Mario-Kun, Mario can throw a slightly bigger, slightly stronger, slightly faster and slightly hotter Fireball.
      • Fireball Punch: Only usable as Fireball Mario (See below).
    • Firebrand: After his training with the Fire God, Mario gained more potent fire. With this, he can somehow immobilize foes with certain placements of his flame, and can rapidly shoot Fireballs, or, combine them all into one massive Fireball.
    • Super Flame: A beam of flame streaming straight from the palm of Mario's hand.
    • Fire Swing: Mario ignites whatever weapon he is holding and bashes said weapon into someone, or something. That person or object will then be cloaked in fire that's equal to his Super Flame and sent jetting through the air.
    • Megastrike: Mario utilizes tremendous re-entry force and fire power comparable to his Fire Swing to send a metal soccerball through the air with re-entry force of its own and splitting into six.
    • Mario Finale: Mario thrusts his arms forward, unleashing two titanic fireballs that spiral towards his foe, engulfing anything it passes in flame that's greatly superior to all fire before.
  • Tornado Swing: Mario swings a weapon so hard, he generates a tornado.
  • Mario Tornado: Mario spins around rapidly, catching and pulling enemies into an onslaught of punches.
  • Mario Screwdriver: Mario spins midair, his feet acting like a drill of sorts, harming foes on his way down.
  • Ground Pound: A slam that can sometimes contain re-entry force, as seen in Sunshine.
    • Bomb Pound: Mario Ground Pounds, but instead of it being normal effects when he hits the ground, an explosion occurs.
  • Plumb-Fu: An ancient form of karate that plumbers use. Can even be used underwater normally, despite the buoyancy.
  • Dimensional Flip: Allows Paper Mario to slip between spatial dimensions.
  • Energy Attacks: Mario can manipulate and bend his energy into multiple attacks.
    • Sphere: Mario forms a sphere of energy above his head, and throws it at his foe, which then homes in on the foe. The sphere can sometimes split into multiple, which all then home in on the foe.
    • Weapon: Mario forges a weapon of pure energy. Most notable is a hockey stick, which he can use to smack foes with.
  • Star Powers: Powers Mario needs the assistance of the Star Spirits to use.
    • Refresh: Mario summons Eldstar, who restores some health and stamina to the target, and cures status ailments such as poison.
    • Lullaby: Mario summons Mamar, who sings a lullaby, putting foes to sleep instantly.
    • Star Storm: Mario summons Skolar, who summons countless stars from the sky, which then rain down, spontaneously bombarding all foes.
    • Chill Out: Mario summons Muskular, who charges energy before cursing all foes, lowering their Attack Potency.
    • Smooch: Mario summons Misstar, who restores a solid chunk of an ally's health.
    • Time Out: Mario summons Klevar, who halts time for 30 seconds.
    • Up & Away: Mario summons Kalmar, who transmutes his foes into lifeless stars before placing them in the sky.
    • Star Beam: Mario summons all the Star Spirits, who summon one large, yellow beam of energy to remove any and all helpful status effects from foes as well as harm them.
      • Peach Beam: Mario summons all the Star Spirits, who summon one large, pink beam of energy to remove any and all helpful status effects from foes as well as harm them. This attack is only usable when Mario has been empowered by wishes.
  • Sentient Equipment: Mario has several companions that act as equipment and are part of gameplay, sticking with Mario from start to finish. This sets them apart from being outside help, as they have nothing else to make them a standalone character, unlike companions like Luigi and Yoshi.
    • F.L.U.D.D.: In real life, water jets streaming out 100 psi, or pounds per square inch, can only lift men about ten feet into the air for a few seconds. The Hover Nozzle does exactly that, except holds Mario even longer than water jetpacks. Then, the Basic Nozzle can blast enemies away with enough force that, upon collision with a wall, their bodies flatten. It can also blast Bullet Bills to pieces, become a water version of a missile launcher, & can even wash away the toughest of goop. The world's strongest pressure washers pump out 40,000psi, & still aren't matching the F.LU.D.D.'s cleaning power! And remember, the Turbo & Rocket Nozzles are even stronger than the Basic Nozzle, meaning the F.L.U.D.D.'s power is even higher with said Nozzles.
      • Basic Nozzle: Acts as a gun-like nozzle, allowing Mario to shoot water straight forward out of the nozzle.
        • Water Propelled Rockets: In tangent with the Basic Nozzle, Mario can attach rockets to the front-end of the nozzle and blast them forward with similar power to a rocket propelled grenade. It can even blast apart a metal robot the size of a building.
      • Hover Nozzle: Allows Mario to float for roughly eight seconds via streaming two jets of water from below.
      • Rocket Nozzle: Shoots Mario roughly eighty feet into the air, but uses about ⅛ of the water tank in one go.
      • Turbo Nozzle: Blasts Mario forward, making afterimages, and allowing to swim excessively fast and with ridiculously great control.
    • Master Luma: Master Luma is granted to Mario by Rosalina, and gives him several abilities.
      • Star Spin: One of Mario's stronger attacks. This can draw in items Mario might need, improves his swimming capabilities, and deflects projectiles. Said projectile will then home back in towards the area from whence it came.
        • Star Pound: A combination of the Star Spin and Ground Pound. This homes in on foes.
    • Cappy: Cappy lives within Mario's hat, acting as a supernatural being within it. He enables one ability for Mario.
      • Capture: Mario can use Cappy and throw his hat onto something to possess almost anything, from people, to animals, robots, objects, electricity itself, and even actual people in the promotional trailers. Heck, he possessed the Super Mario Odyssey logo and walked around, and could do so to letters and numbers on the screen, so the Capture ability is extremely powerful.
    • Mini-Mario Toys: Mario has many small, robotic partners that follow him around. On their own, they can't do much outside of walk, follow, talk, and wield a few weapons, but they do have one other ability.
      • Robotic Merge: The Mini-Marios can all merge into one giant battle mech Mario can operate, which so happens to be dozens of times stronger than Mario himself, with a weakness of being slower.
    • Pixls: Mario has several companions dubbed as "Pixls" that accompany him, since he is the prophesied hero, and it's their occupation.
      • Thoreau: A hand-shaped Pixl. He can punch things, or grab things.
      • Boomer: A bomb-shaped Pixl. He can detonate upon enemies or objects to destroy them; like a bomb.
      • Slim: A segmented inverted triangle-shaped Pixl. He can turn Mario sideways and flat. Oddly enough, in this form, Mario can squeeze through paper-thin gaps, and is completely impervious to harm and contact as long as he sits still; almost as if he's intangible.
      • Thudley: A 10-ton weight-shaped Pixl. He strengthens Mario's Ground Pound.
      • Carrie: A net cubed-shaped Pixl. She can fold over into a cube, and carry Mario at faster speeds than he can run, jump higher than he can jump, and is can carry Mario over obstacles like water, lava, spikes, etc. Spiked enemies will also not affect him.
      • Fleep: A window shade-shaped Pixl. He can flip enemies into other mathematical dimensions, make them dizzy by spinning them, or even patch rifts and such.
      • Cudge: A hammer-shaped Pixl. He is simply a back-up hammer for Mario.
      • Dottie: A tiny circle-shaped Pixl with squiggly lines emerging from her form. She can shrink Mario down to microscopic sizes, making him nearly impossible to see, and allowing him to sneak by or sneak attack enemies, and fit into very small areas. Oddly enough, this doesn't lower Mario's striking power nor durability; only size, speed and weight.
      • Barry: A spiked barrier-shaped Pixl. He can form a spiky barrier around Mario that will reflect projectiles and hurt anyone who tries to touch it.
      • Dashell: A missile-shaped Pixl. He will multiply Mario's speed by a factor of five times when active.
      • Piccolo: A music note-shaped Pixl. She can play music that negates any type of status ailment or curse on Mario, including negating stat debuffs, weight increases, power nullification, teleportation, and mind manipulation. This would allow Mario to resist losing speed and power, having his weight increased drastically, having his powers nullified, being teleported by enemies, or even having his mind messed with, making her a very useful Pixl.
      • Tiptron: A robotic butterfly Pixl. When scanning, she stops time. She is capable of scanning anything, making her nearly omniscient, as she can find out stats, backstories, personality, weaknesses and everything else by scanning someone. She can also negate intangibility.
    • Kersti: Kersti is a sentient sticker who gives Mario two abilities.
      • Usable Sticker: Kersti can turn into a usable sticker, turning Paper Mario into Shiny Paper Mario, increasing his power by one thousandfold, and giving him the Paperize ability. This could be used in tangent with any form, but this kills Kersti in the process.
      • Paperize: Even when not absorbed, Kersti can lend Mario the Paperize ability, which is essentially plot manipulation. Kersti can take Mario out of existence, hanging in limbo, which completely freezes time as a consequence. Mario can then freely mess around with the world that which the story takes place in without limitation. There's two types of plot manipulation standard types: manipulating the story itself, or "the script," and then manipulating the story's world itself. This is the latter.
    • Huey: Huey is a paint can partner that grants two abilities.
      • Protect/Absorb: Huey is able to block several attacks for Mario, but if he's hit too much by strong attacks, he'll die. If it's a projectile, whether it be an object or not, Huey can absorb it; in some cases, this could leave Mario's enemy without a weapon.
      • Cutout: Works akin to Kersti's Paperize, but with this power, Mario can cut right through the story's world itself.
  • Team Attacks: These attacks are effectively executed with the help of Luigi. Thus, they are preferably used only for tag team battles pitting the two on the same team. In spite of this, it doesn't mean they're impossible to use individually. Even then, a few require outside help from characters besides Luigi.
    • Bros. Attacks: Attacks used in Superstar Saga, Dream Team and Paper Jam.
      • Splash Bros.: Mario bounces off Luigi’s back, before spinning into the air. Luigi leaps up and grabs onto Mario’s legs as they both spin upside-down and slam onto the opponent’s head.
        • Advanced Splash Bros.: Mario bounces off Luigi’s back, before spinning into the air. Mario then halts his spin and falls towards Luigi, who then rockets him back into the air. Mario then spins once more, this time like a drill, and drills into the enemy’s head.
      • Chopper Bros.: Mario whacks Luigi with his Hammer, sending him underground. Mario then jumps at the foe and, right as he’s about to nail them, Luigi pops out and propels Mario into the air, who then spirals downwards, swinging his Hammer rapidly, nailing the foe with each swing.
        • Advanced Chopper Bros.: Mario whacks Luigi with his Hammer, sending him underground. Mario then jumps at the foe and, right as he’s about to nail them, holds his Hammer back as Luigi pops up from underneath the foe, nailing them in the crotch and sending them skyward. Mario then whacks Luigi once more, as he pops out and nails the foe once again. The process then repeats the last two steps.
      • Fire Bros.: Mario charges up the Firebrand, before launching numerous fireballs at Luigi. The latter then begins hammering the fireballs at his foe, bombarding them.
        • Advanced Fire Bros.: Mario charges up the Firebrand, before launching numerous fireballs at Luigi. The latter then begins hammering the fireballs at his foe, but Mario intervenes by punching the fireballs upwards. They then convalesce into one enormous fireball, and Mario then springs off of Luigi and spikes the massive fireball downwards, into the foe.
      • Swing Bros.: Luigi dives towards Mario with his hands held out. Mario grabs Luigi’s arms and swings him around rapidly before tossing him at the foe, whom he kicks before rebounding off of.
        • Advanced Swing Bros.: Luigi dives towards Mario with his hands held out. Mario grabs Luigi’s arms and swings him around rapidly before tossing him at the foe, whom he kicks before rebounding off of. After rebounding off the foe, Mario jumps at Luigi and the two grab each other’s arms before spinning rapidly downwards and slamming into the enemy’s head.
      • 3D Red Shell: Mario whips out a Red Shell before kicking it towards a single opponent, whom it homes in on. After hitting the foe, the shell makes its way towards Luigi, who punts it towards the enemy as well. The process repeats until Mario and Luigi are close to the foe, which is when Mario charges a kick, and sends the shell right into the foe before flying off into the horizon.
      • Bye-Bye Cannon: Mario pulls out the Bye-Bye Cannon and places it on the ground. Mario and Luigi then jump in, as it duplicates them into three and fires them around the planet. They then stomp the foe in a specific order before drilling back down in the opposite order, stomping their foe once more.
      • Bomb Derby: Mario showcases a purple bomb with yellow stars all about it. He then tosses it into the sky, it falling back down into Luigi’s arms in the form of thirteen bombs. Luigi chucks the bombs at Mario, who bats them at his foes via his Hammer. The last bomb is twice as big as the rest, as well as twice as powerful.
      • Jet-Board Bash: Mario and Luigi run far off-screen, as Mario pulls out a rocket-propelled skateboard. Mario and Luigi hop on, Luigi on his stomach as Mario maintains his balance standing up. Luigi rapidly and spontaneously swipes his arms along the ground, building up remarkable speed before barreling towards a foe. Mario whips out his Hammer and spins right before the foe’s face, nailing them ‘’HARD’’, sending then spinning into the air before landing back on the ground face-first.
      • Zee Egg: Mario pulls of a rainbow egg, and tosses it next to himself. It then bursts open, revealing the Zeekeeper. The Zeekeeper then begins flight, both Bros. hopping on. Flying very high into the air, the Zeekeeper fires a Wake Orb of large proportions at all foes below, before flying down with it. Mario and Luigi then jump off and continuously hammer it, speeding it up and making it stronger. Upon hitting the ground, the Wake Orb bursts and sends out an omnidirectional explosion, enveloping all enemies. The Zeekeeper then ensures the Bros. land safely via telekinesis.
      • Rocket Blast: Mario wrenches out a large rocket before slamming it onto the ground. Mario and Luigi then jump atop of it as it rapidly aviates into the sky. One of the Bros. then comes plummeting down from the heavens, stomping the foe. The other comes dropping down, but with the rocket in hand. After stomping the foe, that Bro then flies into the air and slams the rocket into the foe, engulfing them within the explosion.
      • Cannonball Chuck: Mario yanks out a cannonball, and runs off-screen with Luigi. The latter jumps atop the cannonball and holds on as the former begins spinning it rapidly, before throwing it towards the enemy. The cannonball then soars towards the foe with Luigi guiding it, before crashing into the skulls of the foes and sending out a shockwave.
      • Toad Trail: Mario pulls out a stack of Paper Toads, who then form themselves into a road. Mario and Luigi climb them, then slide along the road of Paper Toads, before leaping off the road at the very end and rolling into a ball with each other, catching fire due to sheer speed, before crashing into the foe, sending them careening around the planet.
    • Bros. Items: Attacks used in Partners in Time. All of these work best with the help of Luigi, Baby Mario and Baby Luigi.
      • Bros. Flower: Mario showcases a Bros. Flower before tossing it into the air, and it bursting into tiny particles, empowering the brothers. Mario and Luigi then rapidly throw small fireballs at their enemies. Very similar to the Rapid Extension Fire Flower below.
      • Cannonballer: Mario pulls out a cannon, before placing it down. Mario and Luigi as well as their baby counterparts then jump inside and are shot into the air before plummeting downward and stomping their foe four times.
      • Copy Flower: Mario drags out a two-headed flower, before chucking it into the air, it bursting and empowering the brothers, turning them into an army of themselves. This endlessly clones Mario, Luigi, Baby Mario and Baby Luigi, allowing them to endlessly attack and blitz their foe. However, one failed attack undoes the clones.
      • Green Shell: Mario whips out a Green Shell and kicks it at all enemies, their baby counterpart riding the shell. Upon contact with the foe, the baby swings their Hammer, nailing the enemy as the shell then rolls towards the other brother, who repeats the process.
      • Ice Flower: Mario showcases an Ice Flower before tossing it into the air, and it bursting into tiny particles, empowering the brothers. Mario and Luigi then rapidly throw small iceballs at their enemies, which have a high probability of lowering stats like durability.
      • Mix Flower: Mario breaks out a sunflower-esque flower, before throwing it into the air. The flower explodes, sending out four balls of fire. Some are blue, some are red. Mario and Luigi, accompanied by their baby counterparts, then begin tossing fireballs into the air, creating one enormous building-sized fireball, which eventually—due to sheer size and weight—crashes down onto all enemies, exploding.
      • Pocket Chomp: Mario breaks open an orb containing a Chain Chomp, before running off with it. Mario or Luigi then come running in and stomp the enemy, with the Chain Chomp right behind them and one baby on top of the Chain Chomp with another behind it. As they run by, the Chain Chomp tackles the foe, and the baby hammers them. The process repeats until the Chain Chomp catches up to and tackles Mario or Luigi.
      • Red Shell: Mario whips out a Red Shell and kicks it at an enemy, their baby counterpart riding the shell. Upon contact with the foe, the baby swings their Hammer, nailing the enemy as the shell then rolls towards the other brother, who repeats the process.
      • Smash Egg: Mario brings out a white egg with yellow stars dotted around it, before chucking it into the air, and bicycle kicking it into the foe. It them rebounds off the foe and flies at Luigi, who bicycle kicks it into the enemy, and it flies towards Mario. The process repeats several times before the egg cracks and shatters. The babies can jump up and knock the egg higher into the air, making it fall faster, but also increasing its power.
      • Trampoline: Mario chucks a trampoline between his brother and himself. The two—along with their baby selves—leap onto the trampoline before springing high into the air, and crashing onto their foes’ heads, springing back up into the sky. The process repeats until one of the four messes up and knocks the trampoline over.
    • Special Attacks: Attacks used in Bowser's Inside Story.
      • Green Shell: Mario plucks out a Green Shell before kicking it towards the foe. After hitting the foe, it rolls towards Luigi, who continues the trend. This continues several times before the shell breaks apart.
      • Rapid Extension Fire Flower: Mario tosses a Fire Flower into the air, and it bursts into dust, empowering the brothers. The two then rapidly toss fireballs at their foe, bombarding them.
      • Jump Helmet: Mario whips out an orange helmet with an attached spring, and tosses it onto Luigi’s head. They both then rush off-screen before Mario jumps onto the spring, launching himself into the sky. Luigi then precisely moves towards Mario’s next landing spot, launching him back into the air. The two repeat this a multitude of times, before launching Mario skybound one last time—the plumber plummeting downward, stomping his opponent’s head with great force.
      • Yoo Who Cannon: Mario pitches a barrel cannon skyward, before it splits into eight separate barrel cannons. The brothers are then swallowed up by the cannons, and duplicate into four each. The barrel cannons then fire off Mario and Luigi in a set order, sending them curdling towards their foes.
      • Super Bouncer: Mario wrenches out a beach ball, and Luigi hops atop it, clasping onto it. Mario then bounces it into the air. As the ball falls, Luigi spins it around so he can slam into the enemy, which sends the ball flying back at Mario—who then punches it back into the sky. The process then repeats.
      • Spin Pipe: Mario yanks out a blue pipe with a reverse symbol, then shoots it into the air. Mario then jumps atop Luigi—upside-down—and the pipe falls back down, engulfing the brothers. The pipe then floats above the foe, and begins spinning, then careening downward randomly, allowing one of the brothers to stomp the foe, before floating back up and spinning once more. This repeats multiple times.
      • Mighty Meteor: Mario showcases a meteor, before allowing it to fly off into the air. The two Bros. then take spots on opposing sides of the enemy, and bring out their Hammers. The meteor then comes shooting down at one of the brothers, who smack it, sending it bashing into one of their foes before flying into the sky once more. The process repeats until the meteor shatters.
      • Snack Basket: Mario pitches a basket into the sky, and darts into the back, allowing Luigi to have the most room. Luigi then sprints about, eating each and every sweet that burst from the basket, becoming obese in seconds. After launching into the air, Mario runs underneath of him. The green plumber then crushes the red, who begins lifting his brother into the air, before rocketing him upwards and darting off. Luigi—at the height of the toss—then thwomps downward, sending out an immensely powerful shockwave. This attack was the only one that could defeat Chakron.
      • Magic Window: Mario pulls out a mushroom-esque window before he and Luigi jump through, disappearing. Endless windows then begin spawning all around the enemy, allowing the brothers to endlessly attack the foe at extremely high speeds thanks to teleportation, effectively speedblitzing the foe.
      • Falling Star: Mario wrenches out a star, before allowing it to soar tens of feet into the air. Countless mini-stars then join Mario and Luigi—who are on opposing sides of their foes—as they take aim at the big star, and shoot as many mini-stars into the big star as they can. Once finished, the big star—accompanied by all the mini-stars that successfully hit it—fly high into the air, before diving down and crashing into the enemies’ heads. Groups of mini-stars crash down next, and then lone mini-stars follow. The big star has a 50% chance of lowering the targeted foe’s durability.
  • Trio Attacks: These attacks are effectively executed with the help of Luigi & Paper Mario. Thus, they are preferably used only for tag team battles pitting the three on the same team. In spite of this, it doesn't mean they're impossible to use individually for Paper Mario, whom Mario is.
    • Trio Racquet: Paper Mario pulls out a cardboard cube, which then transforms into a Giant Hammer, which he crushes all foes with—turning them into paper and creating a realm in which he and his teammates can attack foes in. This realm has a wall which the enemies are pinned to, as the trio pulls out racquets and begins rapidly smacking a ball into all foes. The attack ends with all three throwing out their strongest hits—with the last one being a critical, which then shatters the wall and does extra damage to the enemies. After a small celebration, Paper Mario erases the realm.
    • Trio Kite: Paper Mario whips out a cardboard cube, which then transforms into a Giant Hammer, which he quashes all foes with—turning them into paper and creating a realm in which he and his teammates can attack foes in. This realm has a breezy field with Mario holding a kite with the targeted foe attached. The three then begin running—gaining as much air on the kite as possible. Mario goes, then Luigi goes, then Paper Mario goes, and then Mario goes one last time. After a few seconds, Paper Mario hops onto the string and sprints up it. As he reaches the foe at the peak, he splits into ten copies, who all hammer the foe at once, sending the foe plummeting down to the earth below. If high enough, the falling speed can reach terminal velocity, and once hitting the ground, a large portion is cracked, crushed and destroyed. The impact with the ground does the most damage, commonly. Mere moments later, Paper Mario erases the realm.
    • Trio Whirligig: Paper Mario wrenches out a cardboard cube, which then transforms into a Giant Hammer, which he flattens all foes with—turning them into paper and creating a realm in which he and his teammates can attack foes in. This realm spawns the trio atop clouds in the sky, as their foes begin falling towards the sea far below. Paper Mario then forms himself into chopper blades, and Mario & Luigi then grab on and drill down. The Bros. collide with all enemies and take them down with them as they approach several platforms. They slam through three before crunching the foes together on the fourth. They then begin spinning so fast, the foes—who have been transformed into paper—catch fire. After grinding the foe to dust, the attack ends, and Paper Mario erases the realm.
    • Trio Shuriken: Paper Mario rips out a cardboard cube, which then transforms into a Giant Hammer, which he smashes all foes with—turning them into paper and creating a realm in which he and his teammates can attack foes in. This realm is the inside a Japanese-styled building. The ten Paper Marios then begin transforming themselves into throwing stars, and leap into Mario & Luigi’s arms, allowing them to be thrown full-force at the enemies as they float down. After several hits, the Paper Marios fuse into one large throwing star, as Luigi jumps atop Mario’s arms and catches the giant shuriken Paper Mario. Mario then spins the rapidly, before throwing them—Paper Mario busting through the wall, and flying off into the sky—possibly shattering the moon. The attack then ends with Paper Mario erasing the realm.
    • Trio Meteor: Paper Mario showcases a cardboard cube, which then transforms into a Giant Hammer, which he squashes all foes with—turning them into paper and creating a realm in which he and his teammates can attack foes in. This realm reflects the entire universe—stars/galaxies and galactic nebula included. The trio begins atop meteorites high up, with the foe on a large rock tower far beneath. Paper Mario then drops his meteorite, aiming it and crashing it into his foe. Luigi follows, with Mario coming last. As a finale, the trio ride one enormous meteorite down, crashing it into the foe and splitting the rock tower in the process. As the seemingly imminent death of the universe ensues, the trio fly off, before Paper Mario erases the realm.
  • Hero's Sight: The second Mario lays eyes on someone, his reaction speed multiplies itself several times over, making the character look nearly frozen, and allowing Mario himself to move at much greater speeds, allowing him to effortlessly land attacks he normally couldn't.
  • M-Power: Mario doubles his own attack potency as well as all allies within his vicinity, making himself and his allies hit twice as hard for a brief period of time.
  • Blasters: Mario has many Blasters he carries around. They do their job best in close quarters.
    • Lightning Shark: A weak and basic Blaster.
    • Hell in a Shell: A weak Blaster with a 10% chance of inflicting Bounce, a status effect that shoots the enemy high into the sky.
    • Bwah Blaster: A weak Blaster with a 10% chance of inflicting Bounce, and that does 30% more damage to rabbits.
    • Rumble Bee: A weak Blaster with a 10% chance of inflicting Honey, trapping foes in a pool of sticky honey, highly limiting movement, as well as a 20% increase of damage to rabbits.
    • Piranha Pelter: A weak Blaster with a 30% chance of inflicting Honey.
    • Piston Panic: A weak Blaster with a 30% chance of inflicting Bounce.
    • Flame Job: A weak Blaster with a 30% chance of inflicting Bounce as well as a 15% increase of damage to smaller foes.
    • Yellow Submarine: A decently powered Blaster with a 30% chance of inflicting Bounce.
    • Matter Splatter: A decently powered Blaster with a 30% of inflicting Honey.
    • Golden Bullet: A decently powered Blaster with a 30% chance of inflicting honey as well as a 15% increase of damage to stronger foes.
    • Bwahnzai Bill: A decently powered Blaster with a 30% chance of inflicting Bounce as well as a 30% increase of damage to healers/medics/doctors.
    • Chaw Jaw: A decently powered Blaster with a 40% chance of infilcting Honey.
    • Ceramic Panic: A decently powered Blaster with a 40% chance of inflicting Bounce.
    • Viscera Vaporizer: A moderately powered Blaster with a 40% chance of inflicting Bounce.
    • Teeth of Tanooki: A moderately powered Blaster with a 40% chance of inflicting Honey.
    • Thorn Scorn: A moderately powered Blaster with a 40% chance of inflicting Bounce as well as a 30% increase of damage to knights.
    • War Paint: A moderately powered Blaster with a 50% chance of inflicting Honey.
    • Fat Cat: A moderately powered Blaster with a 50% chance of inflicting Bounce.
    • Grudge Metal: A greatly powered Blaster with a 50% chance of inflicting Bounce.
    • Spider Ignitor: A greatly powered Blaster with a 50% chance of inflicting Honey.
    • Carpe Die-Em: A greatly powered Blaster with a 60% chance of inflicting Bounce as well as a 30% increase of damage to knights.
    • Sons of Bwahnarchy: A greatly powered Blaster with a 60% chance of inflicting Honey as well as a 30% increase of damage to knights.
    • Anvil: A massively overpowered Blaster with a 60% chance of inflicting Bounce.
    • Flannel Phenom: A massively overpowered Blaster with a 60% chance of inflicting Honey.
  • Melee Hammers: Mario has many Melee Hammers he carries around. All Melee Hammers send out powerful shockwaves, damaging multiple enemies in one go.
    • Button Masher: A weak and basic Melee Hammer.
    • Bowser Basher: A weak Melee Hammer with a 30% chance of inflicting Honey as well as a 30% increase of damage to knights.
    • Spring Cleaner: A weak Melee Hammer with a 30% chance of inflicting Bounce.
    • TKO: A decently powered Melee Hammer with a 30% chance of inflicting Bounce.
    • Mighty Mitts 'O Mario: A decently powered Melee Hammer with a 30% chance of inflicting Honey.
    • Conk Buster: A decently powered Melee Hammer with a 40% chance of inflicting Bounce.
    • Bee Bludger: A decently powered Melee Hammer with a 40% chance of inflicting Honey.
    • Hammer Time: A decently powered Melee Hammer with a 40% chance of inflicting Bounce as well as a 10% increase of damage against stronger foes.
    • Barrel Bonker: A decently powered Melee Hammer with a 50% chance of inflicting Bounce.
    • Track Attack: A decently powered Melee Hammer with a 50% chance of inflicting Honey.
    • Hydrant Hammer: A decently powered Melee Hammer with a 50% chance of inflicting Honey as well as a 30% increase of damage towards bandits/thieves.
    • Toad Tapper: A moderately powered Melee Hammer with a 50% chance of inflicting Bounce.
    • Battle Gavel: A moderately powered Melee Hammer with a 50% chance of inflicting Honey.
    • Sucker Puncher: A moderately powered Melee Hammer with a 60% chance of inflicting Bounce as well as a 30% increase of damage towards jumpers.
    • Toxic Truncheon: A moderately powered Melee Hammer with a 60% chance of inflicting Honey as well as a 30% increase of damage towards jumpers.
    • Peeper Reaper: A moderately powered Melee Hammer with a 60% chance of inflicting Bounce as well as a 30% increase of damage towards brutes.
    • Glamor Hammer: A greatly Melee Hammer with a 60% chance of inflicting Bounce.
    • Sunset Slammer: A greatly powered Melee Hammer with a 60% chance of inflicting Honey.
    • Grid Gavel: A massively overpowered Melee Hammer with a 60% chance of inflicting Bounce as well as a 10% increase of damage against stronger foes.
  • Invisibility Hat: Mario can just slip on the Invisibility Hat to become completely invisible without any traces at all, and without any time limit.
  • Power Drinks: Drinks Mario carries with him into battle that, when drank, have certain effects.
    • Energizer: Doubles Mario's attack potency.
    • Bracer: Doubles Mario's durability.
    • Yoshi-ade: Doubles Mario's attack potency and durability.
    • Red Essence: Grants brief invincibility, as well as removing and granting immunity to all status ailments for a short while.
  • Peppers: Mario carries three types of peppers into battle with him.
    • Red Pepper: Increases Mario's attack potency.
    • Green Pepper: Increases Mario's durability.
    • Blue Pepper: Increases Mario's speed.
  • Time Rewind: Mario carries two weapons in large amounts into battle, allowing him to fiddle with time to an extremely high extent. Even more so than other time manipulators in the franchise.
    • Retry Clocks: Once Mario is downed or even killed, a Retry Clock will activate, rewinding time back to the beginning of the fight. Mario and his foe get all their items they used back, and are restored to peak physical condition. The only difference is that Mario retains the memories of his defeat, while the enemy does not, allowing him to effectively save scum his way to victory--learning everything his foe will do beforehand. He can carry up to 99 of these.
    • Earlier Times: Work the exact same way as the Retry Clocks. Mario can also hold up to 99 of these, too.
  • Offensive RPG Items: Multiple offense-based items in Super Mario RPG.
    • Sleepy Bomb: Explodes, putting foes to sleep.
    • Bad Mushroom: Causes natural harm to a foe, and can potentially poison them.
    • Freight Bomb: Explodes, doing damage and possibly halving attack potency and durability.
    • Fire Bomb: Explodes, engulfing foes in searing flames.
    • Ice Bomb: Explodes, engulfing foes in frigid ice.
    • Rock Candy: Creates large shining stars that envelop the foe, doing enormous amounts of damage.
    • Star Egg: Summons star allies that attack the foe.
    • Pure Water: Enchanted water that one hit kills undead enemies. If powerful enough to resist it, the undead foe will still lose a very large chunk of health.
  • Stone Cap: A cap Mario can slip on to turn into an invincible statue incapable of feeling harm, but also incapable of movement.
  • Trial Stew: Upon ingestion, Mario's health and stamina will be sapped to life-threatening levels, but his max health will be multiplied by 100x and his speed will be tripled all for a short duration. So, if used in tangent with something like the Max Candy, he can increase his health by 100x and speed by 3x for a long period of time.
  • Badges: Paper Mario carries tons of badges into battle with him in the first two games.
    • All or Nothing: Mario's attack potency will rise should he execute successful attacks; it will drop should he fail them. He has obtained two of these badges in his adventures.
    • Attack FX Badges: Badges that change the sounds of Mario's attacks. He has several dozens of these. He has obtained ten of these badges in his adventures.
    • Bump Attack: If the enemy is significantly weaker than him, Mario can just bump into them to instantly kill them. He has obtained two of these badges in his adventures.
    • Chill Out: Manipulates probability so that the enemy will never land the first strike. He has obtained two of these badges in his adventures.
    • Charge: Grants Mario the "Charge" ability, which drastically increases his attack potency; the effect can also be stacked to where Mario can multiply his attack potency--over time--by up to four times. He has obtained one of these badges in his adventures.
    • Charge P: Grants Mario's partner the "Charge" ability. He has obtained one of these badges in his adventures.
    • Close Call: When Mario is low of health, the enemy's probability of successfully hitting him is lowered. He has obtained two of these badges in his adventures.
    • Close Call P: When Mario's partner is low on health, the enemy's probability of successfully hitting them is lowered. He has obtained one of these badges in his adventures.
    • D-Down Jump: Enables Mario's jump attacks to negate conventional durability and pierce defenses. He has obtained one of these badges in his adventures.
    • D-Down Hammer/Piercing Blow: Enables Mario's hammer attacks to negate conventional durability and pierce defenses. He has obtained one of each of these badges (one D-Down Hammer and one Piercing Blow) in his adventures.
    • Damage Dodge: Whenever Mario blocks an attack, his damage will be drastically lowered. He has obtained two of these badges in his adventures.
    • Deep Focus: When using the "Focus" ability with this, energy will be recovered in larger increments and much faster. He has obtained one of these badges in his adventures.
    • Defend Plus: When activated, Mario's durability heightens itself. The effect can be stacked, and he has obtained two of these badges in his adventures.
    • Defend Plus P: When activated, Mario's partner's durability is heightened. He has obtained one of these badges in his adventures.
    • Dizzy Attack: If Mario spins into the enemy as his first strike, they will be inflicted with the status ailment "dizzy" for 10 seconds. He has obtained one of these badges in his adventures.
    • Dizzy Stomp: Mario's jump attacks will now inflict "dizzy" status ailments for ranging durations. He has obtained one of these badges in his adventures.
    • Dodge Master: Heightens Mario's senses and allows him to dodge easier. He has obtained one of these badges in his adventures.
    • Double Pain: Doubles the damage Mario takes. Useless unless it's for a strategy utilizing badges that affect Mario when his health is low; in some cases, this is called "Danger Mario." He has obtained one of these badges in his adventures.
    • Feeling Fine: Protects Mario from any status ailments. He has obtained two of these badges in his adventures.
    • Feeling Fine P: Protects Mario's partner from any status ailments. He has obtained one of these badges in his adventures.
    • Fire Shield: Reduces damage Mario takes from pyrokinetic attacks, and allows him to touch regular fire--not just his own, but also his enemy's--without any ill side effects. He has obtained one of these badges in his adventures.
    • Ice Power: Reduces damage Mario takes from pyrokinetic attacks, and allows him to touch regular fire--not just his own, but also his enemy's--without any ill side effects; furthermore, when attacking enemies with fire powers, his attack potency is heightened. This could be stacked onto Fire Shield for double the effect. He has obtained two of these badges in his adventures.
    • First Attack: If Mario gets the first strike on an enemy weaker than him using this badge, there is a 50% chance he will one hit kill them. He has obtained two of these badges in his adventures.
    • Fire Drive: Mario's hammer gains a pyrokinetic coat, before summoning a fireball and decking it out at the enemy. The fireball will purposefully not go far; once it hits the ground, it forms into a tidal wave of fire, which washes over all enemies in the direction it was hit in with great range and potency. He has obtained one of these badges in his adventures.
    • Group Focus: Grants all of Mario's allies the ability to "Focus," and thus regain energy. He has obtained one of these badges in his adventures.
    • Flower Finder: Mario loses less stamina in fights. He has obtained two of these badges in his adventures.
    • Flower Saver: Mario spends less stamina using attacks. He has obtained two of these badges in his adventures.
    • FP Plus: Mario gains extra stamina as long as he has this equipped. He has obtained two of these badges in his adventures.
    • FP Drain: Mario loses a bit of attack potency in exchange for usurping stamina from enemies after each successful hit and adding their stamina to his own reserve. He has obtained one of these badges in his adventures.
    • Hammer Throw: Mario throws his hammer extremely hard at the enemy, but this badge allows Mario to spawn another hammer should he lose the one he threw. He has obtained two of these badges in his adventures.
    • Hammerman: Mario loses his jumping attacks, but his hammer is doubled in terms of attack potency and proficiency. He has obtained one of these badges in his adventures.
    • Happy Flower: With this equipped, Mario will slowly regain stamina as the battle wears on, making him very difficult to actually tire. He has obtained two of these badges in his adventures.
    • Happy Heart: With this equipped, Mario will slowly regenerate health as the fight rages on, making it harder to actually kill him. He has obtained two of these badges in his adventures.
    • Happy Heart P: With this equipped, Mario's partner will slowly regenerate health throughout the fight, making it harder to kill them. He has obtained one of these badges in his adventures.
    • HP Drain: Mario sacrifices a bit of attack potency in exchange for the power to, whenever a successful hit lands, usurp health from his enemy and add it to his own. He has obtained two of these badges in his adventures.
    • HP Drain P: Mario's partner sacrifices a bit of attack potency in exchange for the power to, whenever a successful hit lands, usurp health from his/her enemy and add it to their own. He has obtained one of these badges in his adventures.
    • HP Plus: When equipped, Mario's health is raised by several degrees. The effect can be stacked, and he has obtained two of these badges in his adventures.
    • HP Plus P: When equipped, Mario's partner's health will rise by several degrees. He has obtained one of these badges in his adventures.
    • Super Jump Charge: Mario builds power in his legs for ten seconds before his attack potency is multiplied, and his next jump attack does several times more damage than normal. He has obtained one of these badges in his adventures.
    • Super Hammer Charge: Mario builds power in his arms for ten seconds before his attack potency is multiplied, and his next hammer attack does several times more damage than normal. He has obtained one of these badges in his adventures.
    • Ice Smash: Mario's hammer sheaths itself in an ectoderm of ice. By hitting an enemy with this hammer, they will immediately be frozen solid for 20-30 seconds. He has obtained one of these badges in his adventures.
    • Last Stand: By equipping this, Mario, when low on health, will take half as much damage, rounded up; this effect can be stacked, and when it is, it divides the damage by the number of Last Stands equipped plus one. He has obtained two of these badges in his adventures.
    • Last Stand P: When Mario's partner is low on health, they will take half as much damage, rounded up. He has obtained one of these badges in his adventures.
    • Lucky Day: Manipulates probability so that enemies will miss Mario more frequently, making them slightly clumsier. He has obtained two of these badges in his adventures.
    • Lucky Start: Whenever Mario starts battle, he will immediately start out with a positive status effect, whether that be to manipulate probability so that enemies miss more often, regenerate throughout the fight, recover stamina throughout the fight, or be covered in a shield of electricity, disabling the enemy's ability to make contact without being harmed. He has obtained one of these badges in his adventures.
    • Mega Jump: Grants Mario a jump attack potency 4x stronger than that of normal. He has obtained one of these badges in his adventures.
    • Mega Quake: Mario strikes the ground with his hammer, harming any and all enemies touching the Earth--whether that be ground, ceiling or wall. He has obtained one of these badges in his adventures.
    • Mega Rush: When Mario is on the verge of death, his attack potency will rise by 4x; this effect can be stacked, and he has obtained two of these badges in his adventures.
    • Mega Rush P: When Mario's partner is on the verge of death, their attack potency will rise by 4x. He has obtained one of these badges in his adventures.
    • Mega Smash: Grants Mario a hammer attack potency 4x stronger than that of normal. He has obtained one of these badges in his adventures.
    • Multibounce: Enables Mario to utilize a consecutive jump technique. He has obtained two of these badges in his adventures.
    • P-Down, D-Up: Sacrifices some of Mario's attack potency for extra durability. He has obtained two of these badges in his adventures.
    • P-Down, D-Up P: Sacrifices some of Mario's partner's attack potency for extra durability. He has obtained one of these badges in his adventures.
    • P-Up, D-Down: Sacrifices some of Mario's durability for extra attack potency. He has obtained two of these badges in his adventures.
    • P-Up, D-Down P: Sacrifices some of Mario's partner's durability for extra attack potency. He has obtained one of these badges in his adventures.
    • Peekaboo: Allows Mario to identify the exact amount of health his enemy has remaining. He has obtained two of these badges in his adventures.
    • Pity Flower: After each hit, there is a 33% chance that a burst of stamina will be restored to Mario. He has obtained one of these badges in his adventures.
    • Power Bounce: Enables Mario to perform a broken ability, allowing him to stomp on his foes infinitely until he slips up. He has obtained two of these badges in his adventures.
    • Power Plus: As long as it's equipped, Mario's attack potency has permanently risen; this effect can be stacked. He has obtained two of these badges in his adventures.
    • Power Plus P: As long as it's equipped, Mario's partner's attack potency has permanently risen. He has obtained one of these badges in his adventures.
    • Return Postage: Manipulates probability so that, no matter what, Mario will always counterattack his enemy and deal half the damage to them that they just did to him, rounded down.
    • Shrink Stomp: Mario's jump attacks now inflict the status ailment "tiny," shrinking them down, which also halves their attack potency and durability. He has obtained two of these badges in his adventures.
    • Sleepy Stomp: Mario's jump attack now inflict the status ailment "sleep," putting them to sleep and rendering them helpless for 30 seconds. He has obtained two of these badges in his adventures.
    • Soft Jump: Mario's jumps now soften the enemy up, lowering their durability. He has obtained one of these badges in his adventures.
    • Spike Shield: Mario is now immune to anything spiky and/or sharp. He has obtained two of these badges in his adventures.
    • Tornado Jump: Mario's stomp now creates a slipstream that extends several meters, drawing in all enemies--whether airborne or not--and damaging them. He has obtained one of these badges in his adventures.
    • Zap Tap: Cloaks Mario in electricity, rendering it completely impossible for his enemies to touch him without major repercussions. He has obtained two of these badges in his adventures.
  • Sports Equipment: Mario has lots of sports equipment that can be used in tangent with many other things, or even as a stand-alone weapon.
    • Baseball Bat: A great bludgeoning weapon that Mario can use Fire Swing to ignite, but that's about it. Mario has been known to use Power-ups in tangent with this weapon.
    • Hockey Stick: Another good bludgeoning weapon that can be ignited via Fire Swing. Mario has been known to use Power-ups in tangent with this weapon.
    • Golf Club: Yet another good bludgeoning weapon that can be cloaked in flame utilizing Fire Swing.
    • Tennis Racket: Mario's greatest bludgeoning weapon of the four, not only being one the the sturdiest, but can also be transformed into a more powerful hammer. Mario has been known to use Power-ups in tangent with this weapon.
  • Spy Plumbing Gear: Weapons and/or tools disguised as regular plumbing equipment.
    • Phony Wrench: A wrench that is also a phone.
    • Explosive Drain Cleaner: Drain cleaner that is actually an explosive.
    • Light Power Drill: A power drill that's actually a laser gun.
    • Rope a Plunger: A plunger that is actually a grappling hook.
    • Screw Sword: A screwdriver that extends into a blade.
  • Plumber's Helper: A small, portable Swiss army-like device that has three functional tools.
    • Hacksaw: One tool attachment is a hacksaw.
    • Wrench: One tool attachment is a wrench.
    • Knife: One tool attachment is a knife.
  • S.F.C. Nun-Chucks: Two SNES controllers bound together by a single wire. Like any nun-chucks, Mario can spin these to smack foes or deflect projectiles.
    • Pause Button: Mario can press the Pause Button, once to freeze time completely and universally, and the second time to unfreeze time. This version of time stop, however, not only freezes Mario's opponents, but himself and his allies as well. He still retains the ability to unpause, however. And when paused, everyone still remains conscious.
  • Battle Card: Cards Mario can summon to turn the tide of battle. Their affects can range from nullifying attacks via barrier creation, bypassing conventional durability via magic, raising his stats whilst lowering his foe's, healing himself, etc. A card, however, can cost anywhere from one to nine Star Points, and Mario only has thirty. In retaliation, Mario can restore his Star Points by landing successful attacks on his foes.
  • Crystal Stars: Paper Mario carries seven star gems that enable him varying powers of varying magnitude.
    • Diamond Star: Houses Earth Tremor, an earthquake.
    • Emerald Star: Houses Clock Out, which stops time for 30 seconds.
    • Gold Star: Houses Power Lift, which raises attack potency and durability.
    • Ruby Star: Houses Art Attack, which encircles the foe and shatters reality around them.
    • Sapphire Star: Houses Sweet Feast, which can heal the user anywhere from a tiny bit to complete restoration.
    • Garnet Star: Houses Showstopper, which one-shots enemies that are weaker than the user.
    • Crystal Star: Houses Supernova, which captures and coats the foe in a supernova.
  • Pure Hearts: Paper Mario's strongest artifacts.
    • Open: Opens a door to another universe.
    • Heal: Completely restores all health and stamina to the user.
    • Empower: Raises the power of the user to heights dwarfing everything in the Marioverse utilizing the power of love itself. This also raises the user's stamina to infinity.
    • Shatter The Walls of Blight: The Pure Hearts burn their power and the prophesied hero's influence forward, shattering any defenses the user's opponent may have had.
  • Candy: Mario can eat a variety of different Candies, granting him a variety of awesome powers.
    • Red Candies: Candies effect Mario's speed and/or his opponent's.
      • Twice Candy: Doubles Mario's speed.
      • Thrice Candy: Triples Mario's speed.
      • Slowgo Candy: Via time manipulation, Mario halves his opponent's speed.
    • Green Candies: Candies effect Mario's form offensively or strategically for a one-time use.
      • Springo Candy: Turns Mario's legs into springs, allowing him to spring thousands of feet into the air.
      • Vampire Candy: Turns Mario into a vampire, allowing him flight and the ability to bite and steal from enemies.
      • Cashzap Candy: Covers Mario's body in electricity, granting him EXTREMELY potent Electrokinesis, capable of embodying electricity and/or striking his foes with lightning, or even trapping his foes between rapid lightning strikes.
    • Yellow Candies: Candies effect Mario's form offensively or strategically for an extended amount of time.
      • Bowlo Candy: Turns Mario into a ball, allowing him to bowl over his foes.
      • Bloway Candy: Turns Mario into a tornado, allowing him to toss foes around violently by getting close to his foes.
      • Bitsize Candy: Turns Mario into an 8-bit version of himself, allowing him to bash blocks as he moves, normally giving him coins.
      • Weeglee Candy: Splits Mario into three, allowing him to sneak up on foes and stomp them and steal from them.
    • Blue Candies: Candies effect Mario similarly to Yellow Candies, except they're more powerful.
      • Thwomp Candy: Turns Mario into a large stone head of himself, and allowing him to crush all foes he comes across. Mario is invulnerable in this form.
      • Duelo Candy: Covers Mario's body in flames, doubling his speed and attack potency until he lands a hit on the foe, but in the process, halving his durability. If either Mario or his foe lands a hit on one another, the effects end.
      • Bowser Candy: Transforms Mario into a Bowser clone.
      • Bullet Candy: Transforms Mario into a Bullet Bill that's more powerful than the average Bullet Bill.
  • Power-ups: Mario carries many Power-ups along with him on his adventures. Some merely heal him, while some grant him alternate forms entirely.
    • Mushroom: Restores ⅓ of Mario's health. He always carries many around with him, never dropping below the tens.
    • Weird Mushroom: Turns Mario into a tall, lanky version of himself, making him far more athletic--matching that of even Luigi--and, somehow, enhances Mario's physical strength and attack potency by a small amount.
    • Fire Flower: Doubles Mario's Pyrokinetic powers. By absorbing enough Fire Flowers, Mario can become "Fireball Mario," and execute the "Fireball Punch" (See above) as well as cover himself in fire and harm anyone who touches him. In DiC, the fireballs home into the target, too.
    • Super Flower: Allows Mario to toss superballs, which, unlike his Fireballs, bounce off of walls until they hit their target. They can also be quite the nuisance, too.
    • Feather: Gives Mario a cape that grants unhindered flight, the ability to reflect projectiles, and his cape can generate enough static electricity for minor Electrokinesis. In Super Mario-Kun, Mario could use this for pseudo-time stopping. Essentially, he freezes foes in place, but they're still awake and well aware of what is happening. He can also take the cape off and throw it forward, which makes it sharp and fast enough to split right through enemies.
    • Ice Flower: Grants Mario Cyrokinesis at absolute zero. He can throw iceballs to freeze foes, or outright touch them for the same treatment. Sometimes, ice can freeze onto the foe, lowering attack potency and durability.
    • Hammer Bro Suit: Clads Mario in a black Hammer Brother suit, enabling him to toss a literal infinite amount of hammers at foes.
    • Penguin Suit: Clads Mario in a penguin suit, enabling him Cyrokinesis, improved traction and the ability to slide along water. His swimming abilities are drastically enhanced as well.
    • Propeller Helmet: Using this, Mario can soar higher with his jumps, and is granted the ability 'Drill Spin.' With this, Mario can drill downwards with re-entry force, busting through his foe's defenses, dealing direct harm.
    • Carrot: Gives Mario a pair of bunny ears, allowing him to glide through the air.
    • Bull Pot: Gives Mario a helmet with bull horns on. He can then ram foes harder and faster, as well as stick into walls and ceilings and granting him a more powerful Ground Pound.
    • Jet Pot: Gives Mario a helmet with thrusters, allowing him the ability to glide through the air. Speed and jumping height are also slightly enhanced as well. Minorly, Mario can also achieve legitimate flight, unlike Wario.
    • Tanooki Leaf: Gives Mario a tanuki suit, granting him unhindered flight at Mach 30, as well as a powerful tail and the power to turn into an invincible--but immobilized--statue that harms any foe that touches it.
    • Super Acorn: Gives Mario a squirrel suit, allowing him to lightly glide through the air.
    • Blue Shell: Mario clads himself within a blue shell. By running, he can slip into his shell as it spins forward with sufficient enough force to shatter bricks upon contact. By hiding within it, he is completely immune to fire and has increased durability. In a crisis, this can be removed and thrown at his foe, it homing in on them and detonating atop of them.
    • Super Bell: Gives Mario a cat suit, doubling his speed and stamina, as well as giving him razor-sharp claws. He can climb walls, scratch and pounce enemies, and even turn into an invincible--but immobilized--golden statue that harms anyone who touches it.
    • Double Cherry: Clones Mario. He carries five of them.
    • Boomerang Flower: Clads Mario in a Boomerang Brother suit, allowing him to toss boomerangs to his heart's content.
    • Spring Mushroom: Turns Mario into a spring capable of bouncing twice as high as Mario's greatest jumps.
    • Bee Mushroom: Turns Mario into a bee-clad version of himself, allowing him to very briefly fly.
    • Life Mushroom: Doubles Mario's durability.
    • Boo Mushroom: Turns Mario into a Boo capable of flight and turning intangible. This form is also immune to any harm; except for light and attacks from other ghosts.
    • Rock Mushroom: Grants Mario Terrakinesis, allowing him to form a rock around him thus, turning him into a nigh-invulnerable rolling boulder.
    • Cloud Flower: Mario's hat and overalls turn into puffy, white clouds. His weight is halved, thus, he can jump twice as high and twice as far. He can also spin up to three times, creating cloud platforms for him to stand on.
    • Max Candy: Completely restores Mario's health and stamina.
    • Power Flower: Balloons Mario up, allowing him to fly for 25 seconds.
    • Wing Cap: Grants flight for 25 seconds.
    • Vanish Cap: Grants intangibility for 25 seconds.
    • Red Star: Grants unhindered flight for 50 seconds.
    • Mini Mushroom: Turns Mario microscopic. This halves his strength and durability, but triples his speed.
    • Pal Pill: Creates eight pixel Mario clones that mimic and protect Paper Mario.
    • Mega Star: Transforms Paper Mario into an enormous pixel Mario with invincibility and doubled strength and speed for 30 seconds.
    • Super Sushi: Turns Mario into a skyscraper, doubling his power in general for as long as he desires, whilst remaining just as fast and agile as before, if not faster.
    • Mega Mushroom: Turns Mario into a skyscraper that's invincible w/ doubled strength and speed for 30 seconds.
    • Gold Fire Flower: Turns Mario into solid gold that doesn't flinch from attacks anymore. He also gains the ability to shoot golden Fireballs that one-shot foes by turning them into lifeless gold. After hitting someone or something, the gold Fireball sends out a shockwave that extends five feet before dying out. Said shockwave has the same transmutative affects as the Fireball itself.
    • Metal Cap: Turns Mario into solid metal with tripled strength and weight, plus invincibility all for 25 seconds.
      • Metallic Wing Cap: In the comics, Mario can merge the Metal Cap with the Wing Cap, and mix their properties.
      • Metallic Vanish Cap: In the comics, Mario can merge the Metal Cap with the Vanish Cap, and mix their properties.
    • Rainbow Star: Grants invincibility and quadrupled strength, speed, jump height and jump distance all for 15 seconds.
    • Starman: Grants invincibility and quadrupled strength, speed, jump height and jump distance all for 30 seconds. In DiC, the Starman's power is an even larger increase than 4x (though it's unknown), and it lasts 60 seconds.
    • Boost Star: Allows Mario to merely point at a foe or brick, instantly defeating or destroying them or it for 15 seconds.
    • White Tanooki Leaf: Grants unhindered flight at Mach 30 as well as invulnerability forever. However, this form is susceptible to poison.
    • 1-Up Mushroom: Can resurrect an ally with half health if they're already dead (and have no lives), or grant Mario an extra life, allowing him to resuscitate after death with full health, restoring his body. In Super Mario-Kun, Mario can sacrifice his extra lives to create clones of himself, and then he can give unique power-ups to each one should he choose.
    • 3-Up Moon: Gives Mario three extra lives. In Super Mario-Kun, this turns Mario into "Moon Mario," who has enhanced pyrokinesis and true flight. Moon Mario can also remove the moon from his head and throw it at an enemy, even controlling the moon mentally to ensure it homes in on the foe.
    • Mixed Power-ups: Mixes multiple Power-ups together, granting Mario all their powers consecutively. These include the Mushroom (healing), Fire Flower (enhanced pyrokinesis), Tanooki Leaf and P-Wing (flight), Starman (invincibility), Hammer Bro Suit (infinite supply of claw hammers) and Warp Whistle (teleportation). Easily one of Mario's strongest forms yet, capable of one-shotting Bowser, but only ever used in dire situations, such as ones where Mario is literally about to die. The second time Mario used this, he mixed the Frog Suit (increased swimming abilities), the Tanooki Leaf (tail for attacking and flight), the Feather (cape for attacking, deflecting projectiles and flight), and the Carrot (flight).

NOTE: Contrary to popular belief, the entiriety of Super Mario bros. is merely a product of the DIC cartoon, so that's why DIC mario has all these abilities and attacks.
