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The Enchiridion manipulating the text and plot within its pages.


Text Manipulation is a highly nuanced ability that allows characters to manipulate the representation of events recorded in text form or translate them into the reality of events or phenomena. The potential applications of this power are vast and varied, and may include the manipulation of causality, the alteration of information, or even a direct impact on reality itself. The extent to which this ability can be harnessed and the specific forms it may take depend upon the character's level of mastery and the specific context in which it is applied.


  • The materialization of words or symbols

It may involve the ability to materialize words or symbols, including causing written words to manifest in physical form. One example of this is the ability to cause objects to ignite upon writing the word “fire.” This power may be executed through the use of magical runes or other means of activating the materialization process.

  • The materialization of the characters

It may also include the ability to materialize characters, bringing fictional characters from written works to life in the real world. This power may allow for the revival of heroes or other characters from literature or other written works, potentially allowing for their physical manifestation in the world.

  • The materialization of the event

It may grant the ability to materialize events, allowing for the translation of events recorded in text form into reality. This power may enable the manifestation of fictional events from written works in the physical world, potentially allowing for their occurrence in our own reality.

It may enable the alteration of historical events, allowing for the rewriting of the past for a specific individual or the entire world. These changes may have the ability to impact real-time events or shape the future. This power may grant a level of control over the events of the past, potentially allowing for the manipulation of historical outcomes and the subsequent effects on the present and future.

It may also include the ability to create or modify reality through the writing of books. This power may allow for the translation of all events recorded in a book into reality, accompanied by the creation of a new world. Alternatively, it may enable the manipulation of characters and events in the real world, similar to the way a writer can manipulate the characters in a novel. This ability may grant a level of control over the events and characters of the real world, potentially allowing for the creation or alteration of reality through the written word.


  • Featherine Augustus Aurora (Umineko no Naku Koro ni)
  • Many characters from Keys to the Kingdom
  • Koichi Hirose and Sandman (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)