Character Stats and Profiles Wiki
Listen, pussycat, if anything happens to me pal, I’ll poke you in the puss! I’ll pulverize you! I’ll pound you to pieces! That’s what I’ll do! Pound you to pieces! Like this!
~ Spike about to beat up Tom


Spike Bulldog is a grey, rough bulldog that appears in many of Tom and Jerry cartoons. He has a somewhat minor friendship with Jerry and is a formidable enemy to Tom, though he is occasionally is a rival to both protagonists, as he was in the cartoon Dog Trouble.

Spike has a grudge against Tom, not just because he's a cat, but because whenever they cross paths, Tom is interrupting quality time with his son, Tyke because he's too busy chasing Jerry to watch where he's going. Obviously, whenever Spike tells Tom not to do a certain thing (ex. dirty Tyke), Jerry overhears this and does his best to get Tom in trouble (in the example, Jerry would get Tyke as dirty as possible). Spike proceeds to beat Tom up thinking he was responsible for it. After Spike beats Tom, he is shown having a good time or resting peacefully with his son tyke and they are joined by Jerry their real saboteur, disturber and culprit who was really the one that Spike should beat up. Spike also appeared in some of the recent cartoons featuring a basset hound called Droopy, another popular MGM cartoon character.

Spike (and his son, Tyke) is most likely a secondary or even major character, as he has appeared in almost all renditions of Tom and Jerry's cartoons.

Powers and Stats

Tier: Varies. 9-B to 7-B

Name: Spike Bulldog, Spike

Origin: Tom and Jerry

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Classification: Bulldog

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Weapon Mastery, Toon Force, Body Control, Regeneration (Mid-Low, can quickly recover from large wounds), Hammerspace

Attack Potency: Varies. Wall level to City level (Can harm Tom and Jerry on several occasions, who survived an explosion from a white mouse, who had consumed enough of a new explosive blow up an entire city)

Speed: Subsonic (Can keep up with Tom) with Massively Hypersonic reactions and attack speed (Should be comparable to Jerry, who dodged lightning)

Lifting Strength: Class 5 (Superior to Tom and Jerry)

Striking Strength: Varies. Wall Class to City Class

Durability: Varies. Wall level to City level (Comparable to Tom and Jerry, who both survived an explosion from a white mouse, who had consumed enough of a new explosive blow up an entire city)

Stamina: High (Can chase around Tom and sometimes Jerry with no problems)

Range: Standard melee range, higher with weapons

Standard Equipment: Axes, hammers, firearms, firecrackers, explosives, traps, much more with hammerspace

Intelligence: Average (Able to walk on two legs, is able to speak, able to perform human jobs)

Weaknesses: He has a short temper, and it can get him into trouble. He has also been tricked by Tom many times.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:
