Character Stats and Profiles Wiki
Dog Shapeshifter


The user can shapeshift their form, transforming and reshaping themselves potentially down to their genetic and cellular structure. They can impersonate others or enhance one's body for combat, either by turning into animals, monsters or make the body stronger. Users with particularly flexible abilities can manipulate their form at will, combining abilities, traits, etc, even being able to form limbs into weapons and reforming after being blown apart by explosives.


  • Due to shapeshifters favoring certain forms for certain activities (e.g. bird-flying, fish-swimming), shapeshifters can be trapped and contained in places where only certain forms are feasible.
  • May revert back to original form when unconscious or asleep.
  • May require visual or genetic source material for a copy to be made.
  • May be limited on how long transformation can last.
  • May be unable to add/reduce mass, thus maintaining the physical capabilities of its original form.
    • May have to stay near their own size.
  • May have trouble with returning to original form.
  • May be limited to humanoid shapes (human, werebeasts, etc).
  • May be limited to organic lifeforms (animals, humans, etc.).
  • May be unable to transform into complex machinery (vehicles, projectile weapons, etc.), being limited to only simple tools and melee weapons.
  • May retain characteristics of their original form in their new shape (i.e., color scheme, markings, voice, etc.).
  • May only be able to partially imitate personality traits, thus people acquainted with the person being impersonated may get suspicious.
  • May not be able to change genetic coding (meaning blood type, gender and DNA coding), though this does not limit the user from changing into an animal, liquid form, and such.
  • May be able to change DNA coding only partially.
  • Staying extended periods in single form may start affecting the users behavior or even make them forget their true self.
  • Some users may be able to change forms (categorized as humans, cats, weapons, a body of water, etc.), but cannot shape that form into their own customization; instead, it must match their original form's shape.
    • Such shape that cannot be altered include genetic coding (gender, hair color, blood type), physical appearance (such as a girl cannot change her facial or body structure to resemble another girl's, and while she can change into a cat her fur pattern is based on her own form) and design (such as the girl changing her body into a sword but cannot customize its design for decorative effects).
    • This may not include the user's age, as it is an aspect of their original form.
  • Users of Shapeshifting Awareness will see their real forms.
  • Users of Shapeshifting Negation may forcefully revert the user to their real form.
  • Users of Mind Reading can read the user's mind and know who they truly are.
  • Process may be painful.
  • May be involuntary; user has no control over their transformations.