Character Stats and Profiles Wiki


Bunchie is a green Llama. After a drawing gone horribly wrong, the creator of this meme saw this meme had gone viral

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: At least 5-C, likely 5-A | At least High 5-A | At least 2-B

Name: Bunchie | Rainbow Bunchie

Origin: The Internet

Gender: Varies

Age: Unknown

Classification: Green Llama | Final Boss of the Internet

Powers and Stats: Superhuman Characteristics, Immense Size | All Abilities to a greater extent, Flight, Missile Launching, Deflection | All Abilities to a greater extent, Reality Warping, Laser Manipulation, Danmaku, Immortality (Type 1)

Attack Potency: At least Moon Level (Tanked a meteor with little effort. We can tell this is an actual meteor and not just a pebble because the Meteor had enough mass to make it go on fire when it was approaching earth.), likely Large Planet level (Dwarfed it in size) | At least Dwarf Star Level (Deflected a missle that obliterated the sun) | At least Multiversal (As the final boss of the internet, it should be superior to Meme man)

Speed: Unknown | Massively Hypersonic+ (Managed to reflect a missile from a helecopter) | Infinite (Should be Superior to Meme Man)

Lifting Strength: Unknown | Unknown | Infinite

Striking Strength: At least Moon Level, likely Large Planet level | At least Dwarf Star Level | At least Multiversal level

Durability: At least Moon Level, likely Large Planet level | At least Dwarf Star Level | At least Multiversal level

Standard Equipment: None | A shell, Katanas | None

Intelligence: Nearly Impossible to determine. Likely Learning Impaired.

Range: Unknown | Dwarf Star | Multiversal

Key: Base | Teenaged Mutant Ninja Bunchie | Rainbow Bunchie
